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ENSTP: stakeholders meet to seek for better ways of improving engineering capacity in Cameroon.

Posté le : juil. 24, 2015, Par : admin - Dans : Actualités

The conference was carefully designed to boost the knowledge of the students on environmental hygiene especially on the essential of water facilities. Not only that the sponsors visited Cameroon, but they were really determined and optimistic to improve on quality engineering skills in ENSTP

A meeting held at the National Advanced School of Public Works, (ENSTP) on Wednesday, 22 July 2015, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Public Works, Patrice Amba Salla, in respect of the visit of the Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Cameroon, Her Excellency Francoise Collet, the Ambassador of Italy to Cameroon Her Excellency, Samuela Isopi, the Director of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architectural and Environmental in Padoua University (Italy), Pr. Carmelo Majorana, the Director of ENSTP, Pr. George Elambo Nkeng, representatives from the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy,representative from the Ministry of Higher Education, representative from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level degree students promoted to the Master program including a host of students.

The meeting was to smooth the ties between the sponsors and the National Advance School of Public Works (ENSTP) it was crown under the theme: “Management of water resources and sanitation: the contribution of specialized human resources to the amelioration of the sector” the discussion centered on the improvement of quality training, whereby, the overall cost for the implementation of this project is 1.4 million Euro (FCFA 918 million) in this the European Union opted to pay 70% of the amount (FCFA 656 million).

What noting is that in 2010 the department of Civil engineering, architectural and environmental of the University of Padoua (Italy) and the National School of Public Works (ENSTP-Cameroon) established cooperation in the sectors of education and training research to provide apprenticeship programs and joint research projects, on water facility to collaborate with the Ca Foscari University of Venice. Whereby, a resolution was reach to train 300 Cameroonian engineers on water resources management and sanitation.

In a nutshell, Pr. Carmelo Majorana of the University of Padoua, started that 300 engineers gain knowledge on development of water resources in tropical areas, planning of intervention networks, preparatory studies and diagnosis, as well as those relating to the achievement and maintenance of structures.

300 targets engineering students were divided thus; 100 students of the first class are underway; the second promotion will be at the end of training cycle, while the third continues with lessons face-to-face and through E-learning.

An opportunity was given to the various partners to present their speeches, the Ambassador of European Union to Cameroon congratulate the students for all their performance, she also assured them that the European Union will do its best to finance the project, but the student must be able to study in other to better their country in future. She appreciates the commitment of all stakeholders but her special thanks go to the Minister of Public Work and the Director of ENSTP for all their efforts to see that the engineering school becomes a success.

An exhibition was done by two second year Master degree program students, titled “Mastering in Environmental Sciences: integrated water resources management and sanitation in African towns”, they looked at the water infrastructure, environmental and sanitation level in Yaounde taking into account population and existing local expertise in the field. The Ambassadors appreciated the capacities of the research done by the Cameroonian students, for bringing out a sustainable feedback session work from Yaounde. The representative of  the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation inform the participants that, there is a process of ameliorating the traditional medicine sector in Cameroon because it is not hidden that the water quality used for the preparations of these concoctions are far from whatever norms that could be considered.

During the closing speech, the Minister of MINTP congratulates the director of ENSTP for all his efforts, he also thank the partners for their efforts to be in Cameroon to smooth the cooperation with the National Advanced School of Public Works. Three questions were put at the disposal of the Minister by the promoted Master students, the reaction of the minister goes toward the line of corruption, to unlocked the ideas nurtured in the mines of the students, the Minister of MINTP told them to concentration on their studies in other to build a better Cameroon in the future rather than grounding their mines on matters that will not help them achieve their gold.

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