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Posté le : Jun 16, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : AOR

in emergency procedure for the recruitment of a firm to conduct the financial audit of the MANKI – MAPE bridge road pavement project on NR6 (21 km) including the construction of bridges over rivers MVI (120 ml) and MVI (100 ml)

Financing: MINTP PIB for the 2014 Financial Year et seq, line 48 36 45 18 05G 2319

(Counterpart Funds)

The Minister for Public Works, Project Owner, hereby issues a Limited National Invitation to Tender for the above works.

1. Object

The tender concerns the financial audit of the Manki – Mape bridge road pavement project.

2. Scope of works

The works comprise the financial audit of the project to ensure the proper use of

the resources and a successful implementation of all its components, namely:

  • Civil engineering works;
  • Consultant’s services;
  • Assistance to the execution of the project (UEP).

The services are described in detail in the Terms of Reference.

3. Eligibility

Participation in this tender shall be limited to the following audit firms pre-selected after Request for Expression of Interest No 017/ASMI/MINTP/SG/DIPER/DIPER30/DIPER31/UEP/2011 of 19 March 2013:


Audit Firm







P.O Box 5269, Douala

Tel: 33 43 32 74 / 99 00 07 74

Fax: 33 42 10 15





P.O Box 3223, Douala

Tel: 33 42 16 98 / 33 42 67 83 / 33 16 86 93

Fax: 33 42 16 98





P.O Box 12626, Douala

Tel: 33 42 78 87

Fax: 33 42 83 15

NB: The pre-selected consultants shall not form a joint-venture.


Works under this tender shall be financed by the Budget of the Ministry of Public Works for the 2014 Financial Year et seq, line 48 36 45 18 05G 2319 (Counterpart Funds).  The estimate cost with taxes included of the project is twenty five millions (25,000,000) CFA F.

5.  Execution timeframe

The intervention shall be carried out every year up till the end of the project which is expected in 2016, given that the duration of each of them shall be thirty (30) calendar days maximum, including the presentation of the provisional report.

6. Administration on behalf of which the contract will be concluded

At the end of examination of the offers and the choice of the successful tenderer, the contract will be concluded between the Minister of Public Works, Project Owner, and the tenderer.

7.Provisional guarantee (bid bond)

Tenders shall include a provisional guarantee (bid bond) issued, in keeping

with the model indicated in the tender file, by a first class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of finance. The amount shall stand at four hundred thounsand (400 000) CFA F.

The absence of the provisional guarantee or its non-compliance with the enclosed model shall lead to rejection of the tender at the opening session.

The provisional guarantees of unsuccessful tenderers shall be released automatically at most thirsty (30) days with effect from the expiration of the tender- validity. That of the successful tenderer shall be released as soon as the definitive guarantee shall have been constituted.

8.Consultation of tender documents

The tender documents may be consulted at the MINTP Department of General Affairs, Sub-Department of Public Contracts by the Yaounde Municipal Lake.

9.Acquisition of tender documents

Tender documents may be obtained at the MINTP Department of General Affairs, Sub-Department of Public Contracts by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, upon publication of tender and upon payment into the Public Treasury of a non-refundable fee of forty thousand (40 000) CFA F.

Such a receipt shall identify the payer as representing a consulting firm willing to participate in the tender.

10. Presentation of tenders

The tender constituent documents shall be presented in the following three volumes enclosed in a double envelope:

  • Envelope A containing the administrative documents (volume 1) and the technical proposals (volume 2);
  • Envelope B containing the financial offer (volume 3).

All the constituent documents of each tender (Envelopes A and B) shall be

enclosed in a large and sealed outer envelope bearing only the subject of the tender concerned.

The different documents of each offer shall be numbered in the order indicated in the tender and separated by dividers of the same colour.

11. Application deadline

Interested tenderers shall shall have twenty one (21) days to apply, with effect from the date of publication of this tender.

12. Submission of tenders

Drafted in English or French in septuplicate (7) including one (1) original and six copies, labelled as such, tenders shall be submitted at the MINTP Sub-Department of Public Contracts by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, no later than 7 july 2014 at 10 a.m. They shall bear the following:


No61/AONR/MINTP/CMPM/2014 of 9 june 2014

in emergency procedure for the recruitment of a firm to conduct the financial audit of the MANKI – MAPE bridge road pavement project on NR6 (21 km) including the construction of bridges over rivers MVI (120 ml) and MVI (100 ml)

Financing: MINTP PIB for the 2014 Financial Year et seq, line 48 36 45 18 05G 2319

(Counterpart Funds)

To be opened only at the tender-evaluation session.”

13. Tender compliance

Tenders not respecting the separation mode of the financial offer from the administrative documents and technical proposals shall be rejected.

Any offer not in keeping with the requirements of the tender file, especially the absence of the provisional guarantee issued, in keeping with the tender model by a first class banking institution approved by the ministry in charge of finance and valid for a period of thirty (30) days with effect from the tender-validity deadline shall be rejected.

Lest they be rejected, shall be submitted only the originals or true copies of the relevant administrative documents certified by the issuing service in keeping with the provisions of the Special Tender Regulations.

They must date no more than three (3) months on the date of the initial tender-submission deadline.

14. Opening of tenders

Tenders shall be opened in two (2) stages.

  • The administrative documents and the technical proposals shall be

opened by the MINTP Tenders Board in the meeting room of the Centre Regional Delegation of Public Works on 7 july 2014 at 11 a.m.

Only tenderers may attend this session or each have themselves represented by one duly mandated person of their choice with sound knowledge of their files.

  • Following the examination of the administrative documents and the

evaluation of the technical proposals, the financial offers shall be opened under the same conditions on a later date to be communicated to tenderers with compliant administrative documents and having scored a technical mark of at least 70 out of 100 points.

15. Evaluation criteria

15.1Eliminatory criteria

a)    Incomplete or non-compliant administrative, technical and financial files;

b)    False declaration, forged or scanned document in place of certified or original copies;

c)    Omission of a quantified unit price in the financial offer;

d)    Technical mark of less than 70 out of 100 points.

15.2 Essential criteria

15.2.1 Technical proposals

The technical proposals shall be evaluated out of 100 points as follows:

1. Quality of Experts commission for the works out of 60 points;

2. Experience of the audit firm out of 30 points;

3. Methodology proposed out of 10 points.

15.2.2 Financial offers

Only the financial offers of tenderers with pre-selected technical proposals after the examination of the administrative documents (step 1) and the assessment of the technical proposals (step 2) shall be evalauted according to the following criteria:

NM = MMd x 100 MS

NM = Tenderer’s financial mark;

MMd = Lowest bidder’s evaluated mark for the lot concerned;

MS = Tenderer’s evaluated mark for the lot concerned.

The technical mark and the financial mark shall be weighted to obtain the final mark N (Technico-Financial mark) as per the following formular:

N = [(80 x Technical mark) + (20 x Financial mark)] / 100

16.  Tender validity

Tenderers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with

effect from the tender-submission deadline.

  1. 17. Contract award

The contract shall be awarded to the tenderer with the lowest bid, that is the tenderer with the highest overall mark deemed to be essentially in keeping with the tender file.

18. Further information

Additional technical information may be obtained at the Division of Road Investments (Sub-Department of New Projects, Project Execution Unit (UEP), tel: 22 22 44 51 or at the Sub-Department of Public Contracts, tel: 22 23 14 22, Ministry of Public Works.

Yaounde, 9 june 2014

The Minister for Public Works

Project Owner





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