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Kumba-Mamfe Road construction kicks off: Tarring of 151 km on the RN (8) without delay

Posté le : Jan 5, 2015, Par : Hannah - Dans : Echo des régions

All things being equal, the tarring of the hitherto nightmarish Kumba-Mamfe road of 151 km in the South West Regions is undergoing construction.


The Ministry of Public Works has bent on this project to see that the people of Kumba-Mamfe enjoy economic facilities derived from this road and the population will be spared the annoying insults of leaving Mamfe to Buea via three different regions.

The construction work on Kumba-Mamfe road is being carried out by a Chinese Construction Firm with heavy duty machines like bulldozers and trucks; have begun clearing and widening the road. Section one of the road project will cover a distance of 115 km from Kumba-Nfaitock, while section two covers a distance of 42 km stretch from Nfaitock-Batchuo-Akagbe. The construction work on the road is expected to end in 2017.

The finacement of this project consists of;  financial aspect of this project, involves Public Investment budget (PIB), African Development Fund (ADF) and the Central African States Development Bank (BDEAC). This 151 km tarred road will link three divisions of the South West Region such as; Meme, Manyu and Kupe-Muanenguba. It will not only ensure traffic flow between the South West and Littoral Regions, but also interconnects the South west, notably the Limbe container port with the cross rivers State in Nigeria, to enable Nigeria and Cameroon improve on the quality of trade and ensure interconnection between the ECCAS and ECOWAS zones.

This project is proximate for the total amount of 68, 826, 489, 399 FCFA TTC. PIB pays 27, 26%, BDEAC 29, 16% and ADF 43, 58%, this amount is allocated for the construction. Section one of the road cover a distance of 115 km from Kumba-Nfaitock with an estimated sum of 38, 908, 783, 769 FCFA, awarded to China Communication Transportation Company Ltd (CCCC), the second section from Nfaitock-Batchuo-Akagbe 49 km, awarded to Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Engineering Group Co, Ltd (JTEGC) for an estimated sum of 26, 284, 336, 784 FCFA and the control mission by CIMA International have the sum of  4, 633, 369, 446, FCFA. The duration of the work will last for 36 months with an additional 1 month for control and 12 months usage before receptions. (That is one year guarantee) the physical advancement of works is 5%.

The platform is 10m, thickness 7m, 02 shoulders each of 1.5m and 2m in urban areas, asphalt concrete pavement 5m thick, base layer of crushed grave 20cm layer of foundation in serious lateritic clay 30cm.

Section to be rehabilitated 49.5 km on Kumba-Bakundu-Nfaitock asphalt concrete of 5cm, thick base layer of crushed grave 15cm, and 20cm layer obtained by recycling the coating and layer existing database.

Apart from the immediate objective of the road, auxiliary works have been included in the project notably the construction of five Women's Empowerment Centres, youth multi-purpose centres, construction of 30 drying yards, etc.

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