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Appels d'Offre Restreint


Posté le : Feb 13, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : AOR

LIMITED NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER No004/AONR/MINTP/CPM-TN/2014 of 04 february 2014 for project management of the construction works of the Ngoulemakong on the Mbalmayo-Ebolowa road

Financing: MINTP PIB for the 2013 Financial Year et seq via the Road Fund Investment Window, line 47 36 467073 30 006 2250

The Minister for Public Works, Project Owner, hereby issues a Limited National Invitation to Tender for the above works.

  1. 1. Object

The tender concerns the technical control of the construction works of the

Ngoulemakong weighing station on the Mbalmayo-Ebolowa road. The works shall comprise the ftechnical, geotechnical, topographicl and environmental control of the above works.

  1. 2. Scope of works

The Cocontractor shall:

  • Ensure and control the works of the company;
  • Propose for the signature of the Service Head for contracts the service orders necessary for the proper execution of the works;
  • Take in attachment the works effectively executed;
  • Ensure the quality assurance and the implementation of environmental protection measures;
  • Ensure the establishment of plans and technical details.

The works of the contract holder are defined in detail in the Terms of Reference.

  1. 3. Eligibility

Participation in this tender shall be open on equal conditions to the following consulting firms pre-selected after Request for Expression of Interest No 032/AMI/MINTP/2013 of 21 May 2013:

Serial No.

Consulting Firm




P.O Box 13 704, Yaounde



P.O Box 705, Yaounde



P.O Box 11 088, Yaounde



P.O Box 911, Yaounde



P.O Box 15 553, Yaounde

Joint-ventures between the pre-selected consulting firms shall not be authorized.

  1. 4. Financing

Works under this tender shall be financed by the MINTP Public Investment

Budget for the 2013 Financial Year et seq via the Road Fund Investment Window.

  1. Timeframe

The execution timeframe of the contract that will be awarded after this invitation

to tender and divided into three phases, including one mandatory phase during the first year and two conditional phases shall be eight (8) months per phase.

  1. Contracting authority

After the examination of offers, the contract shall be signed between the Minister

for Public Works and the successful tender.

  1. 7. Acquisition of tender documents

The tender documents may be obtained at the MINTP Sub-Department of Public Contracts by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, upon presentation of a receipt of payment into the public treasury of a non-refundable fee of one hundred thousand (100 000) CFA F.

The said receipt must identify the payer as representing the consulting firm  willing to participate in the tender.

  1. Provisional guarantee

Tenders shall include a provisional guarantee (bid bond), issued in keeping with

the tender model by a first class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of finance. It shall stand at one million (1 000 000) CFA F.

The absence of the provisional guarantee or its non-compliance with the

enclosed model shall lead to rejection of the tender at the opening session.

The provisional guarantees of unsuccessful tenderers shall be released automatically at most thirty (30) days with effect from the expiration of tender validity. That of the successful tenderer shall be released after the constitution of the definitive guarantee.

Ordinary or certified cheques shall not be accepted as provisional guarantee.

  1. Consultation of tender documents

The tender documents may be consulted at the MINTP Sub-Department of Public Contracts by the Yaounde Municipal Lake.

  1. Presentation of tenders

The constituent documents of the tender shall be divided into the following

three volumes enclosed in a double envelope:

  • Envelope A containing the administrative document (volume 1) and the technical proposal (volume 2)
  • Envelpoe B containing the financial offer (volume 3).

All the constituent documents of the tender (envelopes A and B) shall be

enclosed in a large and sealed outer envelope bearing only the subject of the tender concerned.

The different documents of each offer shall be numbered in the order of the tender and separated with dividers of the same colour.

  1. Submission of tenders

Drafted in English or French and in septuplicate (7) copies including one (1) original and six (6) copies labelled as such, tenders in a sealed envelope shall be submitted at the MINTP Sub-Department of Public Contracts by the Yaounde Municipal Lake no later than 18/03/2014 at 10 a.m. They shall bear the following:

“LIMITED NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER No004/AONR/MINTP/CPM-TN/2014 of 04 february 2014  for project management of the construction works of the Ngoulemakong on the Mbalmayo-Ebolowa road

Financing: MINTP PIB for the 2013 Financial Year et seq via the Road Fund Investment Window,  line 47 36 467073 30 006 2250

To be opened only at the tender-evaluation session”.

  1. Tender compliance

Tenders not respecting the separation mode of the financial offer from the administrative document and technical proposal shall be rejected.

Any tender not in keeping with the requirements of this tender, especially the

absence of the guarantee, issued in keeping with the tender model by a first class banking institution approved by the Minister in charge of finance and valid for a period of thirty (30) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline,  shall be rejected.

Lest they be rejected, shall be submitted only the originals or true copies of the other relevant administrative documents, certified by the issuing service in keeping with the requirements of the Special Tender Regulations. They must date not less than three (3) months old at the initial tender-submission deadline.

  1. Opening of tenders

Tenders shall be opened in two stages:

  • The administrative document and the technical proposal shall be opened

by the MINTP Ministerial Tenders Board on 18/03/2014 at 11 a.m, at the Centre Delegation of Public Works in Yaounde.

Only tenderers may attend this opening session or each have themselves represented by only one duly mandated person of their choice with sound knowledge of their files.

  • Following the examination of the administrative document and the

evaluation of the technical proposal, the financial offer shall be opened under the same conditions on a later date to be communicated to tenderers with compliant administrative document having scored a technical mark of 70 out of 100 points.

  1. Tender evaluation criteria

14.1 Eliminatory criteria

14.1.1 Administrative document

a)    Incomplete or non-compliant file;

b)    False or non-authetic document;

c)    Document certified or signed by a non-competent authority.

14.1.2 Technical proposal

a) Incomplete or non-compliant file;

b) Fausse declaration, forged or scanned documents in the place of

originals or certified copies;

c) Document certified or signed by a non-competent authority;

d)    Technical mark of less than 70 out of 100 points;

e)    Non presentation of the attestation of enrolment into NOCE for engineers proposed for the post of Mission Head and monitoring engineer;

f)     Presentation of a civil servant staff without proof of their leberation;

g)    Absence oa a methodolgy note.

14.1.3 Financial offer

a)    Incomplete file;

b)    Non compliant documents;

c)    Omission of a quantified unit price in the financial offer of a lot;

d)    Absence of a quantified price sub-detail;

e)    Non separation of the financial offer from the admistrative document and technical proposal.

14.2 Essential criteria

14.2.1 Technical proposals

The technical offers shall be evaluated as per the following essential criterai:

a)    Qualification of experts and their experience in the project field out of 55 points;

b)    Technical resources and equipment to be put in place per lot tendered for out of 25 points;

c)    Reference of the consulting firm out of 20 points.

14.2.2 Financial offers

Only the financial offers of tenderers with the compliant administrative documents (stage 1)  and technical proposals (stage 2) shall be evaluated as per the following formula:

NM = MMd x 100 / MS

NM = Tenderer’s financial mark

MMd = Lowest bidder’s corrected amount

MS = Tenderer’s evaluated amount

The technical mark and the financial mark shall be weighted to obtain the final mark N (Technico-financial mark) according to the following formula:

N = [(70 xTechnical mark) + (30 x Financial mark)] / 100

15. Tender validity

Tenderers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with

effect from the tender-submission deadline.

16. Contract award

The Project Owner shall award the contract to the tenderer with the best bid,

that is the tender with the highest mark and deemed to be essentially in keeping with the tender file.

17.  Further information

Additional technical information may be obtained at the Department of Road Environment Protection and Investments, Tel: 22 22 21 40 /22 22 44 51, Minstry of Public Works.

Yaounde, 04 february 2014

The Minister for Public Works

Project Owner

( e )


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Posté le : Feb 13, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : AOR



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