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From Yaounde to kilometer 40. The cruising speed

Posté le : Jan 3, 2018, Par : Eliane - Dans : Actualités

The first phase of the design and execution of the Yaounde-Douala highway consists in the execution of works on an itinerary from the Centre Region to about 1 km before Nkolkoumou (Yaounde VII Sub-Division) and ends at Bibodi passing through localities like Lobo (Lékié Division), Pan Makak (Nyong et Kellé Division) on a total length of 60 kilometers, with a connection road to National road N°3. At the end of 2017, the third year in the execution of this ambitious project, phase 1 of the Yaounde-Douala highway is already showing clearly the outlines of the infrastructure with a progress rate estimated at 48%. In effect, 40 kilometers out of the 60 of the first section are being executed. After some constraints due especially to the liberation of rights of ways and which is persisting between kilometers 40 and 60, the works is resolutely launched. The first kilometers have been executed and it indicates the general outlook of the infrastructure: a 2 x 2 lane carriageway 7,50 m wide each, extendable to 2X3 lanes at the central reservation ; a 33,5 meter wide platform ; 2 hard shoulder of 3 m wide each ; a 10,5 m central reservation in « V » form and 2 benches of way of 1 m each. For the carriageways, the studies conducted resulted to a structure composed of a 6 cm improved formation in bituminous concrete of 0/14 high module, a 10 cm thick base course in 0/20 high module asphalt, a 9 cm foundation course in high module asphalt of the same caliber with the base course and a 20 cm wearing course in 0/31,5 crushed aggregate. The structures to be executed on the itinerary of this first section concern hydraulic, drainage structures as well as engineering structures and interchanges.


From kilometer 00 to kilometer 40, there is intensification with especially the continuation of earthworks on certain sections, the construction of various structures and the execution of carriageway works on the section from kilometer 00 to kilometer 20. At the end of October 2017, on the first 40 kilometers, deforestation works are completed, earthworks have progressed to an execution rate of 79,76%, there are also works on the improved formation. The improved formation has been executed on 17,58 km ; the base course on 15,59 km and the foundation course has been executed on 15,11 km, between kilometer 00 to kilometer 20. Sixty-six hydraulic structures out of the sixty-nine envisaged on the itinerary 00-40 are completed as well as four underground passages. As per the progress of works, it is believed that the construction of overhead passages (04) will be completed and that the carriageway works will go beyond kilometer 20 by the end of December 2017.


The scene thus set helps to assess the importance of this first highway in Cameroon, meant to facilitate access to the major town so Cameroon and mediation between investors and state agents. But also to reduce road congestion in the urban area (Yaounde and Douala especially), foster trans-border exchanges in the sub-region; facilitate conviviality and exchanges between the porto-industrial poles of Kribi, Limbe and Douala. Finally, to rationally share traffic between the different modes thereby reducing road accidents.


The structure costing not less than 345 billion F is under construction for a period of four years; its delivery was initially programmed for October 2018, a due date which in principle may be extended because of the many constraints which hindered the start and normal execution of the works. The Chinese enterprise First Highway Engineering Company is working hard to meet the initial dateline.

Key data of the project from Yaounde to Bibodi

Length: 60 Km of highway and 25 km of connection roads to National Road N°3

Type of intervention: Design a length of 100 km + execution of works on a length of 68,3 km et 25 km of restoration roads. The cross-section is 2x2 lanes extendable to 2x3 lanes. Construction of 03 interchanges, 30 communication restoration structures, 224 box culverts and one 360 m long bridge.

Cost of intervention: 345,781 billion, inclusive of taxes

Timeframe de execution: 48 months

Level of execution: 48%

Estimated date for the completion of the works set for 12 October 2018.

Contractor: China First Higway Engineering Company

Control mission: Scet Tunisie / Louis Berger joint-venture

Geotechnical control : Labogénie

Starting date: 13 October 2014

Estimated date for completion of works : 12 October 2018

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