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130th International Labour Day: MINTP strive for decent work

Posté le : Apr 29, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

Labour Day is not only characterized by matching, it is for this reason the Ministry of Public Works organized an intellectual debate conference under the theme: Social Responsibility and Unions for Decent work.

A conference was held yesterday 28, April 2016 at the National Advanced School of Public Works, organized by MINTP under the moderator Meboe Christophe, Unit Head of the department of Salary, at the Ministry of Public Works. He made his opening speech by extending a word of gratitude to the Minister of MINTP for his brilliant initiative to updates the entire workers under the domain of decent work, job satisfaction and security.

The conference continued with an exhibition done by Dr. Gustave George Mboe, Psychologist for organization of work, Coordinator of CRIDHO,  he brought out few aspects that mobilized the theme chosen by the government authorities for this edition of the 130th International Labour Day Festival.

According to the presenter, in terms of concept he explains that employer should learn on how to respect the laws in force and in consistent with international norms of behaviour integrated throughout the organization and implemented practiced in its relationships. He further added that, a social responsible company is one that questioned its practices in regard to all stakeholders with responsible practice towards, Customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and partners.

Under the aspect of union his views was directed toward priority in an institution, in connection with dialogue within the company between the employers and the employees, it is an essential elements in the society, which creates unity and act collectively for the improvement of the company. As such employers supposed to fight for the interest of their employees at all community consultation and negotiation levels to assert rights and level to common claims. On the part again of the employers he brought out some of their responsibility such as;

- advocacy of employee at company level; legal assistance in case of dismissal; employees advocacy at national level; council or initial and continuing vocational training and professional development.

Some reactions were recorded, most of the employees ask on a way at which they can be in a better guide, since they cry for the low level of salary. He urged the employees to acquire the book of Cameroon working procedure code, the chart of Cameroon and the sheet that governs workers salaries, by doing this it will help most employees to know their rights. As concern decent work, which was sum up as the aspirations of every worker to know the ability to exercise a productive and delivers a fair income together with security conditions at the working place and social protection for the family.

At the end the employees cry fowls that they need social security, increase salaries, social protection and they should be able to have fundamental rights at their job site since most employers do not dialogue with their employees, in this case how should decent working system been applicable as mentioned in this year theme, coupled with the low salary package from the government and some private companies in the country.

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