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MINTP Threatened Road Contractors with Lawsuits

Posté le : Jan 26, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

In order to ameliorate the road network, Public Works Minister Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, engaged contractors involved in road maintenance to arrest problems plaguing the sector.

According to the reference of the past studies carried out in 2014, the Minister of Public Works discovered that, only 81.1 percent of the main road network was in good state. Many areas were cut off from the rest of the country in the rainy seasons because of bad roads. It is for this reason that, Minister Emmanuel Nganou made it clear to the road maintenance contractors who deceive the state with false declarations on their level of execution that they will be taken to court if they don’t efficiently execute their work diligently. He also learnt that, many enterprises that won road maintenance contracts have been unable to execute them. He also lamented because, it was revealed that some enterprises have been unable to execute their contracts for the past five years.

According to statistic carried out by the department of planification of MINTP, it revealed that 406 road maintenance contracts are under execution all over the national territory, out of this numbers, some 300 are acceptable while about 100 contracts do not really have any reason to be existing because these contracts, for the past 7 years ago are reported to still be under execution, meanwhile, nothing is actually happening in the field.

It is for this reason that the Minister said, “The impacts of this on our national road network is negatively felt since these 100 contracts concern some 5800km of road, that is about half of the road network set aside for maintenance”.

He frowned that the consequence of these extraordinary slowness are seen at the high level of road dilapidation, populations are suffering and the national economy is negatively affected as well. “it is time for the ministry to withdraw these contracts and re-launch them so that companies capable of doing the work should be given the chance to remedy this deplorable situation that some contractors have taken hostage for many years now, some portions of our national road network”.

The ministry demonstrated that such contracts which have suffered many successive prolongations are today helping neither the contractors, neither the population nor the government since they were due reception some 2,3,4,5 years ago.

Due to lack of maintenance, many roads in Cameroon are degraded to a ridiculous stage. The 70 km stretch road that links Babajou in the West Region to Bamenda in the Northwest Region is especially vexatious to travellers.

In defense the contractors explain that government lacks the culture of maintenance given that, close to 400 km stretch of road that links Bamenda-Yaounde, had 25 year life span, but it has been used of over 35years. Beside that the contractors are accusing the Ministry of Finance for being a graveyard for them since their payment files get there and never return.

It was noted that, once the contracts are re-launched, such projects will be financed by the additional road maintenance programming, thanks to the unused accrued funds for the 2014 and 2015 resources.

The companies summoned were; NEO TP Sarl, SOCOTREX TP Sarl, AN’NDAL Sarl, Ets ABOBOUKAR CHETIMA, Groupement PTS Construction/MISEP, PANI, Trabes, TE Talom TECH, Jean DUPUCH Export, MOTASE and SONS, Etablissement BOFAS/TAMSO, C.B.T.P, FN Engineering, Tous Travaux, Damico, Ally Hibrahim, Tella Business International, Groupe MER-ITK Sarl, ECODIS Sarl, MEDCOM, ZAPA Sarl, CAM-TOCO Sarl, EMS and NJIMI Sarl.

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