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MINTP launches national campaign to promote bilingualism

Posté le : Nov 19, 2019, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The Ministry of Public Works embarked on a national awareness campaign for the practice of bilingualism and the translation of official documents in the central and devolved services of Public Work.

Instruction given by the Head of State urging each ministry to implement Bilingualism as an official working language, gave upper hand to the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, to create strict follow up unit to spread the knowledge of bilingualism to the devolved services of MINTP.  The promotion of bilingualism is not a choice today for Cameroonians but a solid obligation for ensuring integration and unity in the country, it is on this note, that the Ministry of Public Works set aside every Thursday of the week as the trace day for the promotion of bilingualism in other to reinforce the bilingual character of the ministry.

MINTP set aside a date for launching the campaign in Ebolowa, it took place on Wednesday, 13th November 2019, chaired by the Head of Division of Translation and the promotion of bilingualism in the Ministry of Public Works, Madam, Masumbe Besinge Charity, she made it clear during the opening event that, "the initiative is to ensure integration and unity in the country and enable personnel of MINTP to feel at ease when speaking the both languages. She noted that Public Works deals with contractors from all over the world and by so doing bilingualism needs to dual in MINTP".

Speaking during the opening ceremony, the Head of division of translation and the promotion of bilingualism informed the personnels that, the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, instructed the commission of bilingualism to carryout an intensive sensitization campaign within the 10 regions, to educate personnels on how bilingualism activities are to be implemented their services. she urged the personnels of the devolved service use Thursday as their bilingualism day in the Ministry. She noted that putting it in practice will expand the national and the international scope of activities in line with the promotion of social, economic and political quotation.

The Ebolowa seminar consist of discussion and constructive interaction through well-articulated debates amongst ministry personnel visitors and the general public, for them to have a mastery of texts governing the practice of bilingualism and its importance in nation building.

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