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Lot 7 SOA-ESSE-AWAE: expectation to surface soonest

Posté le : févr. 2, 2017, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

Much is yet to be done but the facts remain that degraded roads will be redress as soon as possible, looking at the new strategies program initiated by the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi

The construction works on SOA-ESSE-AWAE road is found in the central region, a 72km stretch of road at D45-46 this project is included in the three-year emergency plan (PLANUT), awarded to one construction company ATIDOLF NIGERIA Ltd, predicted timeframe is 24 months for completion for an estimated amount of 34 851 242 761 FCFA. The follow-up and technical control was handed over to BEC LA ROUTIERE to be executed within the period of 40 months.

The contract was handed over to the shrinking department on the 03 May 2016, it was signed on 13 July 2016, following the constitution that governs the modality for works to begin, and the document of authorization was submitted to the contractor on the 18 October 2016. Worth noting, immediately this note is issued, the company is supposed to start with their installation of necessary equipments, as of now they are erecting the workers houses that is almost near to completion.

The alignment of the road and the implementation of the right-way axis between ESSE and AWAE is still to be completed and the research materials deposited. Equipment imported from Nigeria arrived in December 2016 as follows; 01 grader, 02 compactors, 03 backhoe loaders, 03 dump, trucks, 01 loader excavators, 01 excavators, 10 pickups.

For this project to move faster with lots of efficiency MINTP deposited FCFA 20.2 million through MINFI to effect installment payment to the committee of Property Assessment Board for an expropriations. Some other parties involved were also notified such as CAMTEL, ENEO, CAMWATER since December 2016. According to the document at our disposal, time consumption as of now stands at 7.7% since the day of notification, the level of work done stands at 0%.

To crown it all, FCFA 6.9 billion has been deposited in finance for the work to kick-off without any financial constrain that will lead to any delay, but still waiting on finance to commence the payment for work to start effectively. The ministries concerned are working tirelessly to see that this projects becomes productive.

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