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Road maintenance: MINTP partners with local councils of the western networks

Posté le : sept. 14, 2015, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

A convention sign for the maintenance of road network in the rural areas of the regions; it was a critical step taking by the Minister of Public Works towards decentralization.

In a hall full to capacity representatives of mayors of what is term the western networks of councils took terms. The signing of a convention with the Ministry of Public Works was to enable councils in the West the Northwest, Littoral and Southwest regions to carryout maintenance of rural roads in their respective areas with technical assistance of the ministry.

The first phase of this envisages took place at Mbalmayo in the Central region. Experts of the decentralized services of the Ministry of Public Works offer technical assistance to local councils as they seek to improve their road network through the Labour Intensive Approach.

The Minister of Public works Patrice Amba Salla, on September 11, 2015, in Buea Council hall, signed an agreement with the Mayors from the Southwest, Northwest, Littoral and West Regions. This was the second phase to what Patrice Amba Salla refers to as a milestone to government’s commitment to foster decentralization.

The Ministry of Public Works seeks for a better road network of the people in the country, to accomplish this view a sum of FCFA 27 million was transferred to the Mayors of the above mentioned regions for road maintenance.

Speaking during the session, the Minister taking into consideration the fact that the decentralization law recommends that in addition to means, powers should also be transferred to local councils, giving reasons for the ministry to put it staff at the disposal of the local councils for efficiency in the maintenance of municipal roads. “After transferring financial resources, we are offering our personnel for the efficient use of the resources for the change of the livelihood of Cameroonians,” the minister also explained that the country’s economic growth drive could be impacted positively if councils maintain the network of farm-to-market roads. As such he urged the mayors to use their means wisely; if that is done the money will be increased depending on the effectiveness and quality work done.

In bringing out the inmate happiness, the Mayor of Buea, Patrick Esunge Ekema, expressed satisfaction at government efforts through the Ministry of Public Works, while praying that the partnership yield fruits and impact the livelihoods of its denizens. Besides, he thank the Minister for making it possible to see that the problems erecting the maintenance of road is readdress with immediate effect. The Mayors were handed maps indicating existing and yet-to-be created earth road.

According to the Mayors they were very grateful with what the Minister of Public works has started with the European Union, that it will going to help them a long way to make sure that they released their roads, because of their farm produced.  And it will also help them to dis-in-cliff all the areas that were cliff.

The practical step taking in the decentralization process was stated by the representative of the European Union, Sergeo Boleter, who said besides supporting works on 1000km of roads in the country his institution will ceased the means to continue in the venture.

A ceremony full with flotation by the Mayor of the Buea council a claiming official by his colleagues speaks volumes of the new impetus giving to councils through convention.

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