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Appels d'Offre Restreint

New policy for maintenance of roads and development of rural roads

Posté le : oct. 29, 2013, Par : Hannah - Dans : en-Actualités

In January 2011 the Head of State announced the opening program that will better the competitiveness of products of the agro-pastoral sector for the maintenance of roads not forgotten rural roads, has gradually coming to reality. In executing this program the Prime Minister, leader of government, instructed the inter-departmental consultation for the purpose of considering the modalities of the implementation of the said program.

In execution of this high instruction, the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of Territory has organized the said consultations with the concerned sectoral Ministries which have supplied the first information needed for the establishment of the document to submit to the sanction of the hierarchy.

The department of Public works has compiled a list of 30.000km of dirt road of the program and retained a linear of 2.000km for the year 2012, meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has presented a linear of 2.500km of road for the year 2012, the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development has provided a list of existing quarries and in operation, in addition, MINEPAT has transmitted to MINMAP a tender document for the acquisition of power plants of crushing of stones, which will facilitate the achievement of the program.

A market has been launched by the MINEPAT for the acquisition of four crushes; MINTP is preparing to acquire crushes. The Military Engineering has launched the acquisition of 03 plants (1 for crushing, 1 of pervious, 1 of concrete

As a prelude to the development of this program, a reflection is engaged at MINEPAT with participation of MINTP, to establish a program, create a steering committee of a group of technical monitoring such as, studies and monitoring of geotechnical work, MATGENIE to obtain the characteristics of high performance equipment and to assess the financial impact of the acquisition of power plants for crushing.

It is in this context that the administration called on the collaboration of RENE ESSO Consult Board Management to provide his expertise in the framework of the working groups for the reflection on the new policy of maintenance of roads for land, for the program of development of rural roads and for the opening up of the basins of agro-pastoral production and artisan. Fund allocated for this project is about 70 billion for the year 2014.

Mission conducted and result obtained

as a result from the mission, documents were gathered for amendment in the meetings, which have enhance to a better modality progress.

  • The non-involvement of communities living along the roads, the decentralized territorial communities, local governments and partners
  • The contracting authority must go towards the target population and communicate with them to involve in the project,
  • A draft circular letter to the attention of all actors is subject to the sanction and possible signing of the Prime Minister,
  • Highlighting a document that clearly describes each level of degradation with the type of service that is appropriate,
  • Increasing the skills and the means of the activity of programming in order to make it more relevant and more effective
  • Lastly, strengthen the missions of network monitoring

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