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OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER in emergency procedure No057/AONO/MINTP/CPM-MINTP/2013 of 03/09/2013

Posté le : sept. 10, 2013, Par : Hannah - Dans : AOR

[b]for the complete study of the automation of road weighing [/b][b][/b] [b]Financing: [/b]MINTP budget for the 2013 Financial Year, line 4736 330006 2031

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, the Minister of  Public Works, Project Owner, hereby issues a Limited National Invitation to the above tender.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]1. [/b][b]Object[/b]

The tender concern the drafling in emergency procedure of the automatisation of raod weighting of Cameroon.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]2. [/b][b]Scope of works[/b]

The works shall comprise the complete study of the automation of road weighing in the following 6 stages:

[u]Stage 1[/u]: auditing of the current functional systems to establish the situation.

[u]Stage 2[/u]: proposal of at least two automatic weighing systems (manufacturer,

operating mode, reliability, tolerance, maintenance, availability of spare parts, etc.).

[u]Stage 3[/u]: identification and proposal of additional equipment to supplement the existing ones available in weighing stations in Cameroon.

[u]Stage 4[/u]: definition of the automatic management mode of an automatic weigning station (display devise, issuing of listings, surveillance camera, recognition of the number of axle in a network, calculation of fines, recuperation and storage of statistical data, etc.).

[u]Stage 5[/u]: drafting of quantitative and cost estimates to enable the transformation of current stations into automatic weighing stations.

[u]Stage 6[/u]: drafting of TORs, technical plans and a draft invitation to tender for the transformation of a pilot station.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]3. [/b][b]Eligibility [/b]

Participation in this Invitation to Tender shall be open on equal conditions to all local   consulting firms and joint-ventures, excluding those:

-       Under technical management and maintenance of weighing stations which will assist the Project Owner in the monitoring of this operation;

-       Under suspension because of the cancellation of a contract, in keeping with article 102 of the Public Contract Code;

-       Having the status of public establishment without being legally and financialy autonomous, and administered by the rules of commercial law.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]4. [/b][b]Financing[/b]

Works under this tender shall be financed by the MINTP Public Investment Budget for the 2013 Financial Year, line 4736 330006 2031.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]Timeframe[/b]

The maximum execution timeframe shall be [b]six (6)[/b] [b]months[/b] with effect from the date of notification of the Notice to Proceed.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]Consultation of tender documents[/b]

Tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the MINTP Division of Contracts, Tenders Unit , Block G, by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, upon publication of this tender.

  1. [b]7. [/b][b]Acquisition of tender documents[/b]

Tender documents may be obtained at the MINTP Division of Contracts, Tenders Unit , Block G, by the Younde Municipal Lake, upon presentation of a receipt of payment into the [b]Public Treasury[/b] of a non-refundable fee of [b]sixty[/b][b] thousand (60 000) CFA F.[/b]

Such a receipt must identify the payer as representing a consulting firm willing to participate in the tender.

  1. [b]Provisional guarantee [/b]

Tenders[b] [/b]shall include a provisional guarantee (bid bond), issued in keeping with the tender model by a first class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of finance. It shall stand at [b]five hundred thousand (500 000) CFA F.[/b]

Each provisional guarantee shall be valid for [b]one hundred and twenty (120)[/b] [b]days [/b]with effect from the tender-submission deadline.

The provisional guarantees of unsuccessful tenderers shall be released automatically at most [b]thirty (30) days[/b] with effect from the expiration of the tender validity. That of the successful tenderer shall be released after the constitution of the definitive guarantee.

  1. [b]Application deadline[/b]

Interested pre-selected tenderers shall have [b]twenty-one (21) days[/b] to apply, with effect from the date of publication of this tender in the ARMP journal or in Cameroon Tribune.

  1. [b]Submission of tenders[/b]

Drafted in English or French and in [b]eight (8) copies [/b]including[b] one (1) original and[/b]

[b]seven (7) copies[/b],[b] [/b]labelled as such,[b] [/b]tenders shall be submitted at the MINTP Division of Contracts, Tenders Unit, Block G, by the Younde Municipal Lake, no later than [b]30/09/2013[/b][b] [/b]at[b] 10[/b][b] a.m[/b]. They shall bear the following:

[b] [/b]

[b]“OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER in emergency procedure No057/AONO/MINTP/CPM-MINTP/2013 of 03/09/2013[/b]

[b]for the complete study of the automation of road weighing [/b][b] [/b]

[b]Financing: [/b]MINTP budget for the 2013 Financial Year, line 4736 330006 2031

[b]To be opened only at the tender-evaluation session”.[/b]

[b] [/b]

  1. [b]Tender compliance[/b]

Any tender not in keeping with the tender requirements, especially the absence of the provisional guarantee issued in keeping with the tender model by a first class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of finance and valid for a period of thirty (30) days after the tender validity deadline shall be rejected.

Lest they be rejected, shall be submitted only the originals or true copies of the relevant administrative documents, certified by the issuing service in keeping with the requirements of the Special Tender Regulation.

They must date no more than three (3) months old with effect from the tender-submission deadline.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b] Tender validity[/b]

Tenderers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of [b]ninety (90) days[/b] with effect from the tender-submission deadline.

[b] [/b]

  1. [b] Opening of tenders[/b]

Tenders shall be opened in two (2) stages: The administrative document and the technical proposal shall be opened  by the MINTP Tenders Board on [b]30/09/2013[/b] at 11 a.m, in the meeting room of the the MINTP Tenders Board situated at the Centre Regional Delegation of Public Works.

Only tenderers may attend this session or each have themselves represented by only one person of their choice with sound knowledge of their files.

Following the examination of the administrative documents and the evaluation of the technical proposal, the financial offer shall be opened under the same conditions on a later date to be communicated to tenderers with compliant administrative documents and having scored a technical mark of at least 70 out of 100 points.

  1. [b] Evaluation criteria[/b]

[b] 14.1  Eliminatory criteria[/b]

  • Incomplete or non-compliant document;
  • False declaration or forged document;
  • Technical mark of less than 70 out of 100 points;
  • Omission of a quantified price in the offer;
  • Absence of a price sub-detail.

[b][i] [/i][/b]

[b][i]14-2      Essential criteria[/i][/b]

-       [b]Technical proposal[/b]

[b] [/b]The technical proposal shall be evaluated as per the following essential criteria described in detail in the evaluation grid (document 10 of the tender file):

a)      Staff .....................................................................................[b].5[/b][b]0 points[/b]

b)      References of Consulting Firm .............................................[b]20 points[/b]

c)      Organization, methodology and planning..............................[b]15 points[/b]

d)      Logistics and[b] [/b]equipment........................................................[b]15 points[/b]

Following the evaluation of the technical proposal, the financial offer shall be opened under the same conditions on a later date to be communicated to tenderers with the required administrative capacity and having scored a technical mark of at least 70 out of 100 points.

-       [b]Financial offers[/b]

Only the financial offers of tenderers whose technical proposals shall have been selected after the examination of the administrative documents and the assessment of the technical proposal shall be evaluated as per the following formula:

[b]MN = MMd x 100/MS [/b]

[b]MN [/b] = Tenderer’s financial offer mark;

[b]MMd[/b] = Lowest bidder’s amount

[b] MS[/b] = Tenderer’s evaluated amount

The technical mark and the financial mark shall be weighted to obtain the final mark [b]N[/b] (technico-financial mark) according to the following formula:

[b]N = [(70 x Technical mark) + (30 x Financial mark)] / 100[/b]

[b]15.   Contract award[/b]

The Project Owner shall award the contract to the tenderer with the [b]lowest bid[/b] deemed to be in keeping with the tender file and having the relevant technical and financial capacities to successfully execute the works.

[b] [/b]

[b]16.   Further information[/b]

Additional information may be obtained during working hours at the Department of  Road Maintenance and Protection (Road Maintenance Unit, Block J, Tel: 22 22 48 04) and at the Division of Contracs (Tender Unit, Block G, Tel: 22 23 14 22) by the Municipal Lake, Ministry of Public Works.

[b]                                                                                                                                         Yaounde, 03/09/2013[/b]

[b]                                                                                                                                     The Minister for Public Works[/b]

[b]                                                                                                                                                 Project Owner[/b]

[b] [/b]

[b] [/b]

[b] [/b]

[b]                                                                                                                                         AMBA SALLA Patrice[/b][b] [/b]

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