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Road Maintenance: decision adopted to facilitate the execution of road works.

Posté le : janv. 23, 2017, Par : Hannah - Dans : en-Actualités

According to the GENIS approach, it prescribe roles for the companies in charge of the execution of road maintenance, construction and rehabilitation works,  that will enable the contractors to move from the simple execution to the management and preservation of road investments.

The officials have renewed their commitment during the annual conference of the officials of the central and decentralized services, held at the Advanced National School of Public Works on 18-19 2017, Yaounde, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, accompanied by the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in charge of Public Contract, Abba Sadou, and the Secretary of State in Charge of Roads in the Ministry of Public Works, Louis Max AyinaOhandja, who called on the participants to deliberates on the new strategies that has been put in place upgrade infrastructure in the country.

In his key note address, he urged the various workshop groups to brainstorm on the public management of infrastructure projects, the decentralization and devolution of road maintenance programmes and the execution and control of work by Force Account. Thereby bring out the problems and consequence solution.

In order to put thing in place according to the Minister’s demand, the workshops was divided into three groups based on different themes, focus on the general theme which was, “Construction, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of the road network and strategies to improve efficiency in 2017” the third groups deliberated on the implementation of road maintenance programmes.

The presentation for the third group was done by the director of road maintenance and road protection, Tchouplaou under the eye-look of the moderator, the Director of road environment, protection and Investments, Mbella Eboumbou and other MINTP officials.

The following problems were raised both in the central and decentralized services; at the decentralized services, in the aspect of programmes planning, there is lack of human resources, insufficient operational networks, deficit of some decentralized services in the programming sheets. The solution raised on this aspect reviewed that,capacity building for actors, updating of road nomenclature and definition of eligibility criteria, adoption of CCTP ecological zones and finally the categorization of Small and Medium Size Enterprises. For this to be effectively carried out the various services in the ministry were responsible to put this in effect; DETROA, DPPN, DEPPR,DRR and SDMP. Reflecting on the workshops report both the administrative department urged for more purpose during projects and results of orientation projects from its collaborators in order to meet up with the gold of this year.

During the two days workshop the participants under this platform raised solutions to the many problems which were later table before MINTP for the final resolution.

In order to pave the way for a better infrastructures in the country the contractors and the MINTP official need to put in their best by looking into problems and suggestion pertinent solution that could held better assess the other construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance of road since the nation is in a crucial moment to attained the dream of the Head of State.

During the closing remark the minister congratulated the hold team for their devotion and work well done to see that MINTP eradicate the problem of degraded roads in the country. He further instructed the officials concerned that strict measures has been put in place to carryout control on the side that is companies will be paid as per the work done, only when all the norms and standard are respected.


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