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BABUNGO-IBAL-OKU: supplementary works soon attain completion

Posté le : mars 7, 2017, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The implementation of the last phase of rehabilitation and maintenance works on pave roads, particularly on the Babungo-Oku stretch of 34km in the Bui Division of the Northwest Region will soon be delivered

According to the contract No: 000533/M/MINTP/CCPM/D/2013 and the authorization letter issued No: 01782/L/PRC/MINMAP/SG/DGMI/DMTR/2013, allowing the company EDGE Ltd to carryout rehabilitation and maintenance works on BABUNGO-IBAL-OKU within 12 months under the control and supervision of INTEGC Sarl for a duration of 13 months, for an estimated amount of FCFA 244,880,800 billion including tax.

A working visit chaired by the Sub-Director of the Western Network, of the department of Rural Roads (DRR) MINTP, accompanied by his collaborators and a personnel from the Communication Unit, the visit enable the team to assess the evolution of work being carried out on the site. The length of this road was previewed at 34km but because of the additional 600m around it up to 35.1km which is an access link to the Oku Village already completed.

Looking at the work already done on the BABUNGO-IBAL-OKU road, it overwhelmed the Regional Delegate of the delegation of the Ministry of Public Works in Bamenda (DRTP) to effectuate partial reception.  As of the day of visit we released that from PK00 to PK2+700 this area of road which was already completed sank due to flood during the rainy season and the construction company was redoing that portion of road in which they had completed the filling, compacting, priming and binder to receive the 10/14 and 6/10 gravel before the final layer coating.

Moreover, looking at the nature of work done 90% of culverts has been constructed that is from Pk3, Pk4, PK5, PK6 to PK30 is completed and tarred with close to 800-1000m side drains constructed with block stones, some potholes treated and double way culvert constructed on this linear. What noting is that from PK 31 +280 lays the supplementary works in order to enable the company rebuild the old bridge which was destroyed, and the company was given 5 months to complete the work which will end before mid-April. On the bridge the company has built a deviation that enable vehicles and bikes to move without stress, the digging and excavation has been approved by the control mission and the MINTP contract engineers since there is also scarification work on the existing foundation layers which was going on.

The overall progress of work is 96.97% for a consumption rate of 98.84%, actually everything goes well administratively and technically, but not the same on the financial side, since the contractor is being paid after the evaluation of work done per month, he cried for financial constrain which is one of the main problem they are facing on the field, secondly the bad nature of the soil, rocky stones, instability of the slops and hilly slops.

Before waiting for the resolution of all the problems the administration urges the company to continue the work with scrupulous respect for the specification of the layers paying attention to the different thickness of layers on the bridge and maintenance should be done on some areas that were bad. Lastly the company is striving to accelerate the work before the given timeframe.

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