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Annual Conference of the Central and deconcentrated Services of MINTP. Efficiency in the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of infrastructures in the menu

Posté le : janv. 26, 2017, Par : Eliane - Dans : en-Actualités

Management based on Results, execution within the timeframe, road maintenance through management by level of service, these are the new strategic approaches prescribed by the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI, during the opening ceremony of the annual conference of the Central and Deconcentrated Services of his ministry. He was presiding over the ceremony on Wednesday 18 January 2017 at the Yaounde National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW), with the assistance of the Secretary of State, Louis Max AYINA OHANDJA and in the presence of the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in chargé of public contracts, ABBA SADOU.

Placed under the theme : « Construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructures : Strategies to improve efficiency »,  the annual conference of the Central and Deconcentrated Services of the Ministry of Public Works brought together officials of the  Central and Deconcentrated Services of MINTP, organisms under supervision and many stakeholders that intervene in the public works and civil engineering sector. Also took part in this opening ceremony, the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Public Works in charge of Roads, the Secretary General of MINTP, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in chargé of Public Contracts, ABBA SADOU and a delegation from the Republic of Congo which came to learn from Cameroon’s experience in the area of training in the field of civil engineering among others.

The general orientations of the works given by the Minister for Public Works were mostly geared towards the challenges to be taken in 2017. Officials of the Ministry of Public Works must master the new regulation and approaches in order to adopt new attitudes of the management of infrastructural projects, with the aim of improving their quality. Specifically, in his opening speech, Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI, reiterated the approach adopted by his ministry in its role of Project Manager; an approach that rely on determination, method and accompaniment of the other administrations and partners in the execution of infrastructural projects. On this last point, he appreciated the quality of collaboration with the ministries in charge of public contracts, Finance, the Economy and Planning. Henceforth, MINTP has to reflect on the approaches that will enable it to « do more with fewer resources ». The opening ceremony was also an opportunity for the Minister of Public Works to lay the ground works of the new approach that will be implemented in the area of road maintenance with the idea of Management by Level of Service (GENIS), so that traffic should not be disrupted on any road irrespective of the season, except in unpredictable circumstances, the Minister said. An orientation note prescribing the contours of this approach was thus drafted. The Minister of Public Works therefore requested his collaborators to look for ways and means that would enable them to execute road projects within the timeframe sets. This is because, for the Minister: « recourse to additional clauses should become an  exception ».

To complete the discussions among the officials and the other participants, three workshops were set up on the public project management of infrastructural projects; the decentralization and deconcentration of road maintenance programmes, the execution and control of works using direct labour have been programmed.

Well before the opening speech,  the Director  General of Infrastructural Works (DGTI) of the Ministry of Public Works, Guy Daniel ABOUNA ZOA presented a balance sheet of the realizations of  2016 and the obstacles for an optimal implementation of  MINTP’s projects. From the presentation, one can note that 310.2 km of new principal roads were paved with the completion of projects like the Djoum-Mintom road; the Foumban-  Manki road; the development works of the Douala astern Entrance; the  Bachuo- Akagbe-Mamfe-Ekok road  and the Zoetele-Nkolyob road. On the other hand, 83 km of secondary roads were constructed within the framework of of the pavement of modern traffic roads. In this light, we can name the pavement of the following: Mengong (inter N2)-Nkolbityé-towards Nselang phase1 ; Nkolanga’a (Groupe Scolaire SFIDA-Nkolbikogo-Lada 2-Lada 1- Nkoabang (Inter N10) and the 10th stop slip roads ; Melong-Bangem, phase 1 ; Inter N4 (Bandjoun Fligh-over)- Baham Market- Bangou Town and slip roads- Baham Market-Baham –Palace-Baham town ; Banekane-Babou-Myamga-Bassamba.

The annual conference of the Central and deconcentrated Services of the Ministry of Public Works covered two days, from 18 to 19 January 2017 and ended with the ceremony of presentation of New Year wishes at the Yaounde Conference Centre.










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