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Mundemba-Isangele-Akwa Road. Works to Restore Traffic near Completion

Posté le : janv. 24, 2017, Par : Eliane - Dans : Actualités

Works to restore traffic which started in November 2016 on the Mundemba-Isangele-Akwa road, reached a 76% execution rate as of 20 December 2016. While waiting for the completion of the works carried out under direct labour, users can circulate from one end of the works itinerary to the other.

Following a significant mobilization of human resources and equipment, at the instructions of the Minister for Public Works, Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI by decision No. 2214/D/MINTP/CAB of 16 August 2016 to set up an ad hoc team in charge of the execution of the works under direct labour for the treatment of quagmires using pozzolana on the Mundemba-Isangele-Akwa (66 km) road in the South-West Region, the traffic has gradually been restored on this road since 3 December 2016. The works started on 8 November 2016 had a global execution rate of 76% as of 20 December 2016. This progress is reflected through: activities of repro-compaction of the pavement on 56 km out of the 56 planned, i.e. 100% of implementation; drainage of ditches and outlets carried out on 60,000 linear metres out of the 112,000 expected, i.e. 54%; treatment of sloughs and steep slopes with pozzolana on 1,560 m3 out of the 2,000 targeted, i.e. 78%; treatment of deep gullies, completely executed out of the 260 linear metres planned, i.e. 100%; deforestation along the 56 km planned, i.e. 100%. In addition to these works are tasks carried out in connection with the site installation with an execution rate of 50%; enrockment works, which have a good evolution with the 25m3 executed out of the 50 planned, i.e. 50% and the repair of the semi-permanent bridge flooring that will show a good evolution in the coming weeks. The gobal amount for the works stands at 249.672.945 CFAF, inclusive of taxes. This amount provided for: 217.893.045 CFAF for works funded by MINTP-Road Fund Line and 31.779.900 CFAF for control funded by MINTP/PIB.

On the worksite, can be seen the back and forth movements of tipper trucks. They go to Kumba, especially to the Konye quarry, to get pozzolana materials and huge blocks of stones that will enable engineers clean the quagmires and spread these materials using backhoe loaders and graders, which are appropriate equipment for these specific tasks.

At present, the finishing works are being carried out on the hut quagmires treated to improve the level of service thereby rendering the traffic sustainable. Furthermore, it is noted that heavy rain falls in the project area do not facilitate the execution of certain tasks. Moreover, other interventions on this road are planned through the conventions with the Military Engineering and the oil producing company PAMOL in order to ensure traffic in all seasons.


If in the past, to go from Mundemba to Isangele one had to spend 20,000 francs for a three-hour journey by motorbike because the road not passable nowadays with the works done under direct labour by engineers from the Ministry of Public Works, it is by car and in 20 minutes that one can travel the same distance of 56.5 km for 5,000 francs only. A reduction by 3/4 that enables the population and civil servants of this locality to use this road section for socio-economic activities.

Being the main access road to the Bakassi peninsular, this road is of strategic nature, and necessary for our security, important for the economic aspect of the bilateral relation between Cameroon and Nigeria, a border country, and the peace policy advocated by Cameroon through its Head of State.


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