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Avis de Sollicitation à Manifestation d'Intérêt (ASMI)


Posté le : août 3, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : AMI

No98/ASMI/MINTP/2016 of 28/07/2016

for the conduct of technical studies in view of the rehabilitation/restoration of the Benoue navigable way between Garoua and the Nigeria border (North Region)

The Minister for Public Works, Project Owner, hereby issues a Request for Expression

of Interest intended for consulting firms or joint-venture of the building and civil engineering sector willing to participate in the pre-selection for the conduct of technical studies in view of the rehabilitation/restoration of the Benoue navigable way between

Garoua and the Nigeria border (North Region)

The works shall be financed by the budget of the Ministry of Public Works for the 2016 Financial Year.

I- Object

The object of this Request for Expression of Interest is the pre-selection of

consulting firms willing to participate in the Limited International Invitations to Tender for the conduct of technical studies in view of the rehabilitation/restoration of the Benoue

navigable way between Garoua and the Nigeria border (North Region)

II- Description of works

On the whole, the works shall comprise the following tasks:

  1. Preliminary technical studies:
  2. An economic feasibility study.

III- Eligibility

-       Be a consulting firm or joint-venture of the building and civil engineering sector;

-       Show proof of the relevant administrative, technical and financial capacities, especially,

-       submit a compliant administrative file;

-       Dispose of staff compatible with the works to be executed;

-       Show proof of good experience in the field of projects studies.

IV- Application files

Less they be disqualified, tenderers shall clearly present and in datail, the following elements which must be communicated and be subject to verification.

IV.1-   Volume 1 (Administrative documents)

“Volume 1” shall comprise the following adminstrative documents (originals or certified true copies dating less than three (3) months old and valid for the current Financial Year):

-       A cover letter duly signed specifying that the consultant intends to tender for the Limited International Invitations to Tender if he is pre-selected;

-       The statutes or instruments to justify the existence of the consultant;

-       The authorization of the joint-venture, if need be;

-        An attestation of non-bankruptcy dating less than ninety (90) days and issued by the Court of First Instance with jurisdiction;

-       A copy of the current taxpayer’s card, certified by the issuing service;

-       The authorization to check references: duly signed by the General Manager to check any information deemed necessary relating to the references presented;

-       The original of the attestation of non-exclusion from public contracts issued by ARMP.

It should be noted that the absence or non validity of one of the above documents shall lead to rejection of the tender.

IV.2- Volume 2 (Technical file)

The technical proposal shall comprise the following:

IV.2.1- Human resources

IV.2.1.1 List of supervisory staff

The consultant shall provide the list of key staff, including:

-       A dated and signed curriculum vitae of each staff;

-       A certified reue copy of the diploma of each staff;

-       An attestation of availability;

-       An attestation of enrolment into the National Order of Civil Engineers (NOCE) for national, Civil Engineers proposed for the post.

The non-production of one of the above documents shall earn a zero (0) for the expert concerned.

In this regard, the consultant shall show proof of his capacity to mobilize a supervisory staff composed of the following:









One Mission Head

Civil Engineer (at least the G.C.E/AL + 5 years), with at least ten (10) years experience in the conduct of technical studies;

Must have executed at least one (1) navigable way study and at least one economic feasibility project as mission head.

(Attach diploma+CV and enrolment into NOCE for Cameroonians+attestation of presentation of original diploma);





One Hydrologic Engineer

Be a holder of a university diploma in hydrology (at least the G.C.E/AL + 3 years), with at least three (3) years experience as hydrologist in the studies and supervision of navigable ways contruction works. The mastery of French and English is indispensible.

(Attach diploma+CV and enrolment into NOCE for Cameroonians+attestation of presentation of original diploma);




One Transport Economist

Be a holder of a university diploma in transport economy or equivalent (at least the G.C.E/AL + 3 years), with at least three (3) years general experience and show proof of experience in projects of transborder economic communications.

(Attach diploma+CV and enrolment into NOCE for Cameroonians+attestation of presentation of original diploma);






One Geotechnician

  • Be a holder of a University or engineering diploma in geotechnics (at least the G.C.E/AL + 3 years);
  • Have at least five (5) years general experience at least 3 of which are in geotechnical or economic feasibility studies;
  • Must have conducted at least one (1) geotechnical study or economic feasibility of projects

(Attach diploma+CV+attestation of presentation of original diploma);





One maritime security and safety Expert

  • At least the G.C.E/AL + 3 years, with at least three (3) years experience in maritime security and safety and ports facilities.
  • Must have conducted at least one navigable way beaconing and signage study;

(Attach diploma+CV+attestation of presentation of original diploma);




One environmentalist

  • Be a holder of a diploma in environment engineering or equivalent, with at least three (3) years experience in environmental, social and sustainable development impact studies.
  • Must sound knowledge in the environmental problems in river areas

(Attach diploma+CV+attestation of presentation of original diploma);


IV-2-1-2 Complete organization chart of consulting firm

IV-2-1-3 List of skilled permanent staff

The consultant shall provide the list of skilled permanent staff (at least the G.C.E/AL + 2 years) employed without interruption at the consultant’s headquarters (provide photocopies of work contract of the supervisory staff with their signed CVs).


NB: The staff proposed shall be considered in the evaluation only if the relevant justification documents relating to the said staff and dating less than three months old are duly signed and submitted.

IV.2.2 References of the consulting firm

The consultant shall submit documents attesting that he has successfuly executed during the past ten (10) years as main contractor, at least one (1) project feasibility study.

The tenderer shall provide the first and last pages of contracts as well as the attestations of proper execution issued by the Project Owners, with their contacts, to enable an eventual control. At least one of the two projects must have been executed in sub-Saharan Africa.

To be validated, each reference in similar works must be justified by the following elements:

-       Copy of of the extract of the contract bearing the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th as well as the cost estimate and signature pages. Such documents must be clear and legible;

-       Name of the Project Owner;

-       Project execution place

-       Certificate of proper execution issued by the Project Owner or its services. The works acceptance report and the attestation of proper execution issued by the Project Owner or its services.


IV.2.3 Logistics, technical resources and equipment

The candidate shall provide the following own or hired logistics, technical resources and equipment:

Type of equipment

Minimum number of equipment

computer equipment










Satellite telephones


Pick-up liaison vehicles




Geotechnical and topographical equipment






Proctor press and moulds



N.B: The location of the said equipment must be stated to enable verification by the Project Owner if need be.


IV.2.4 Authorisation to verify the information provided

Duly signed by the General Manager of the consulting firm, this authorisation shall enable the Minister for Public Works to carry out any verification deemed necessary to ascertain the existence of the equipment listed in the tender file, and the accuracy of the information relating to the references provided, with the Project Owners concerned.


IV.2.5 Technical mark

Consultants shall be evaluated by taking into account their understanding of the projected operations for the successful execution of the envisaged works.


V. Evaluation and selection criteria

V.I Eliminatory criteria

A.1. Administrative document

  • Incomplete administrative file;
  • Technical mark of less than 70/100 points;

V.II Essential criteria

  • Key staff (out of 80 points);
  • Consultant’s references in the conduct of the technical or feasibility studies of projects during the past ten (10) years (out of 10 points)
  • Logistics and equipment (out of 10 points).


Only consultants having scored an overall technical mark of at least 70 out of 100 points shall be pre-selected. The Project Owner reserves the right not to pre-select consultants who, in an ongoing contract with MINTP, have received notification of a formal warning, estabishment of sortcoming or termination.

In the event of joint-venture, it shall be eligible only if each member has met at least 40% and its leader 60%.

The Limted International Invitation to Tender that will be issued following this Request for Expression of Interest shall serve as result for this pre-selection.

NB: Any file with false declarations shall be rejected by the competent sub-committee at any time during the procedure.

VI. Submission of files

Tender files in quintuplicate (5), incuding one (1) original and four (4) copies shall be submitted in a sealed envelope at the MINTP Sub-Department of Public Contracts, situated on the 11th Floor (Room 8) of Ministerial Building No.1 no later than 26/08/2016 at 3 p.m, local time. They shall bear the following:


No98/ASMI/MINTP/2016 of 28/07/2016

for the conduct of technical studies in view of the rehabilitation/restoration of the Benoue navigable way between Garoua and the Nigeria border (North Region)

To be opened only at the tender-evaluation session”

VII. Further information

Additional information may be obtained during working hours at the”Ministry of Public Works, Department of General Affairs, Sub-Department of Public Contracts,  Ministerial Building No.1, 11th Floor (Room 8), Tel +237 222 22 95 11, E-mail: sdmp©

VIII. Publication of results

Pre-selected contractors shall be consulted for the Limited International Invitation

to Tender for the conduct of technical studies in view of the rehabilitation/restoration of the Benoue navigable way between Garoua and the Nigeria border (North Region), in keeping with Decree No.2004/275 to lay down the Cameroon Public Contracts Code.


Yaounde,28 Juillet 2016

The Minister for Public Works

Project Owner

Emmanuel NGANOU.D


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