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National Road No3: maintenance works to curb security

Posté le : juil. 5, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

National road No.3 Yaounde-Douala-Limbe-Idenau, is undergoing road maintenance of 318km length programmed for a comfortably road maintenance.

For this project to move smoothly, it was divided into three different parts, section one (1) covers Yaounde-Ndoupé bridge, section two (2) covers from Ndoupé bridge-Dibambe bridge and section three (3) covers Bekoko-Limbe-Idenau, to curb traffic and consolidate security.

According to the contract signed, the first section of this project was awarded to Groupement SOGEA SATOM/ROUTD’AF Company to carry on comfortably maintenance works on the road from Yaounde to Ndoupé Bridge, length (106 km) and the technical study was done by MINTP, while a contract to carry on control was awarded to BET EGIS Cameroon.

In fact, the second section of this project, Ndoupé bridge-Dibambe bridge work has not yet started, but the contract has been awarded to ZEROCK CONSTRUCTION NIGERIA Limited, to cover a total length of 120km, which will start in less than no time. The contract for the third section Bekoko-Limbe-Idenau was awarded to Groupement SOGEA SATOM/ROUTD’AF Company, and BET EGIS Cameroon is to carry on control on the site, length 92km for this area degraded portion was spotted on PK0+00 to PK50.

According to the report from the head of control mission, installation of equipment has been done on the site, but from their observation there are some areas that require lots of attention like the PK 0 + 00-PK 12+950, opening of the entire width of the roadway from PK 12-950 size 8 x 3m, the joint team are deployed on the field.

It was clearly stated in the contract that maintenance should involves;  the use of brushing to clean up the right way of the road, maintenance works on deep potholes, repair shoulders slumps, repairing pavement right tolls, repairing of access to weighing stations, rehabilitation of sanitation beside the road, maintenance of structures beside the road, rehabilitation of vertical signs, horizontal signage; and the restoration of security equipment, mile markers and worm metal nozzles, all these are elements that will consist in the section of road maintenance.

The Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, urged the contractors to handle projects with prudence, he then announced that any contractors that will fail to meet up with the deadline or any bad execution of work without respecting the norms and standard stated in the contract, his contract will be annul. In addition he noted, any project signed within the framework of 2 years and at the end of its deadline the work has not gone up to 75%, or 100% the contract will be terminated and part of the money recovered. In order to achieve this objective there should be a thorough evaluation of work on the sites.

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