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Roadmap of the Ministry of Public Works: what about priorities projects in 2016?

Posté le : mars 7, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The minister of Public Works Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, reflected on the decree No-/B70/B/CAB/PM signed on February 19, 2016 by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang, who laid down his expectations on the percentage envisage for the giant projects, that was visualized during the budgetary allocation for the year 2016. It is not an easy task to overcome, but the minister is putting in place measures that will be used to eradicate the problems of road dilapidation in the country.

According to the evaluation of MINTP roadmap, some problems were recorded that hindered the road construction, repairing; maintenance of roads and bridge infrastructure. Most projects started late and the Implementation of the project-based budget, other factors that hindered is the timely execution or launching of projects, the disbursement of own funds by the administration, the late payment of compensations is another factor that hinders the nearby populations to liberate the right of projects as well as the many delays observed in the signing by donors, or the non-objection of choices made by contractors. According to the decree the following projects were included;

The Yaounde-Douala motorway and the second bridge over river Wouri, these giant projects as part of the policy of Greater Accomplishments, the decree states that technical studies on the first phases of the first 20km, that is from PK0 to PK 20 should be at 100% by December 31, 2016, more so, the forestation (the cutting of tress by the road side) from PK0-PK20 and the small bridges estimated for the 20km was 36, meanwhile, the big bridges estimated were 5, so this decree stipulates that by December all this should be at 100% including the earthwork, in terms of structures, culverts construction on the first 20km of PK0-PK20, produces aggregates for the base and foundation layers and the manufacture of hydraulic concrete. Lastly by December 31, 2016 the preliminary report of the technical studies on the second phase on the construction of Yaounde-Douala Motorway should be ready for submission within the timeframe.

Next is the construction of the second bridge over river Wouri, a bridge of 756m long, work is expected to be at 26% by July 2016 and by December 31, 2016 it is expected to go up by 66%, the number of planting of the trimmer should increase, earthworks which was at 40% is expected to go up to 80% and studies should be completed by December 31, 2016. The start of work on the underpass Dangote should be raised by 40%, and before December 31, 2016 it should be at 100%.

Another newly projects to be executed in the Western Regions are; Baleveng-Bagang-Batcham-Mbouda-Bamesso-Galim/Balessing-Batcham and Mbouda-Ngouaya-Bat, the clause stated that, the opening up of production areas, the technical studies and the level of execution, preparatory work and the road linear floored for Section 1 and Section 2 should be ready by December 31, 2016, this is a road of 110km and 107km with an outstanding result of 5%.

The development works on the entrance of the Eastern and Western part of the city of Douala RN3, Section 1, progress was recorded at 75% as of December 31, 2015, both the asphalting of zone 1 PK0 to PK + 300 towards the airports is expected to be 100% before December 31, 2016. The earthwork was completed on zone 2 and the construction work of art on the North-South boulevard including the construction of art work on Dinde is expect to raised up to 69,89%. As of the entrance towards the Western entrance of Douala, the project management of service orders was signed and were notified to extend the earthwork that was 4.575km to 9km and shoulders from 2km to 5,7km, the culvert base from 1.475km to 5,7km and the hydraulics stands at 24/24, all these should be ready by December 31, 2016, earthwork 13.087km, shoulders 11,5km, foundation is expected to be at 100% before December 31, 2016.

For the newly launch project for the rehabilitation works on the road Yaounde-Pont de Ndoupe-Douala-Limbe-Edenau, the technical studies of the project is expected to be ready before July 31, 2016, followed with the launching of the Open National Invitation for Tender, and a notification letter to the services concern. In the same line, the Minister for Public Works, as the Project Owner, have the power to issues Limited National Invitation to Tender for the execution of the above works on behalf of the Republic of Cameroon, is expected to do so before the end of July 31, 20016

Another rehabilitation project is the Yaounde-Bafoussam road, the decree stipulate that, before the July 31, 2016 the Tender must have been launch for the smooth operation of the work, and by so doing mobilisation of equiptments will be done immediatley the award of the contracts. Next is the rehabiliation work on the road Babadjou-Bamenda, Tender should be launched and contract awarded before December 31, 2016. Inaddition the rehabilitation work on the road Yaounde-Mbalmayo-Ebolowa, the technical studies on this project is supposed to be review and actualised before July 31, 2016, and before Decmber 31, 2016 the contract must been sign and contractors notified.

The minister of public works is looking forward to better the national road network, so as to improve the country economy situation, as well as eventually improve the living standard of the citizens. As concern all the projects listed above, including the maintenance of rural roads, tenders are available, and the minister have improve ways at which contracts are awarded to avoid delay and late payment will no longer be the major problem.

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