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Normes techniques et cadre réglementaire

Celebration of the 31st Edition of the International Women’s Day: Health at first!

Posté le : mars 4, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The event in MINTP was characterized with lots of activities, to start with; the test of blood Cancer for the women, breast cancer, Cancer of the Uterus, Cancer of the body and some other additional illnesses such as high blood, HIV etc, to elaborates the importance of this 31st edition of the International Women’s Day, that took place at the delegation of the Ministry of Public Works, in Yaounde.

An event that started on the 3-4 of March, 2016, through the initiative of the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi who bent to free the women of MINTP from these deathly diseases. Before the involvement of the real activities the Minister though it wise to contact qualified medical doctors to conduct test for the female workers of MINTP as his sign of appreciation for the hard work done by the women in the ministry, whereby, approximately 150-200 female workers were tested.

The event was place under the leadership of the director of technical studies of roads and bridges, Lekeufack Virginie, who is president of the organizing committee. In her opening speech, she gave words of hopes to the women, she urged the women to take the initial test very serious because this initiative envisage by the Minister is to help eradicate these illness in MINTP. She further said the quest of MINTP is to conquer deathly diseases; in fact, she was impressed with the turnout of MINTP female workers came out in their numbers to strive for better health condition and to fight against this deathly disease that is wiping away the entire womanhood.

The medical doctors present were four in number, three from the regional hospital and one from the faculty of medicine.

The doctor at the faculty of medicine, Noa Ndoua Claude did his presentation to educate the women on the danger of cancer, he explains the various types of Cancer and the effect involved in it and how women can avoid it, the Cancer of the body, the Cancer of the Uterus, Cancer of the blood, he advice that, women should try at least one a year to undergo test on the Cancer of the Uterus and Oval, which is the most dangerous cancer because it causes the removal of the worm. From his presentation statistics revealed that the rate of blood cancer in 2009 was 18.2%, body cancer 16%, breast cancer 14,4%, but recently research carried out in 2015, reveal that the rate of cancer has increase to 68%.

The women express their gratitude to this wonderful ingenuity pounder on them by the Minister. The following test conducted were; Cancer of the Blood, Cancer of the Uterus, Cancer of the Breast, HIV, level of blood Sugar, Hypertension –B, Hypertension – C, and the function of the Heart. Those whom results came out negative, were administer the first dose of the vaccine, but for those whom results came out positive were to go for counseling and treatment at the district hospital in Yaounde.

After the test the activity continue with the round table conference to lecture the young girls and women in the domain of engineering, to educate them on how to become a sustainable engineers in the future in order to improve the level of women found in the field of engineering, and to booster the level of women being appointed in the ministry of public works.

The presentation was done by Madam Ngo Yana espe Bebinbe Elisabeth, controller No 1 at the department of the Inspector of Service in the Ministry of Public Works. She explain to the young engineers schooling at the National Advanced School of Public Works, to strive hard to become better engineers so as to increase the level of female engineers in MINTP and why not work harder to become directors and sub-directors in the future. She also called on women to be more responsible in their various position of responsibilities, and that women should endeavour to participate in politics activities, to enable them contribute in the development of the country, and by so doing, this can only be done if there is peace, justice, honesty and discipline amongst women and female workers should stay calm, duty conscious and hard work for MINTP to be reconstructed.

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