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Reinforcement and diversification of local expert to improved technologies and techniques for conception of local construction

Posté le : févr. 25, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The Secretary of State in charge of road in the Ministry of Public Works, Louis Max Ayina Ohandja, who led the Cameroon delegation to the exhibition last year November, opened the meeting that follows with a series of workshops at the Mont Febe Hotel, on February 24, in the presence of the director general of BATIMAT, Guillaume Loizeoud and other official of the Paris-based organisation.

The forum in Paris-France that lasted for 4 days was a mission, in accordance with Cameroon’s need of reinforcement and diversification of local experts, as well as the need for improved technologies and techniques for conception of local construction, was worth the salt.

Louis Max Ayina Ohandja, the secretary of State in charge of road of the Ministry of Public Works, was speaking in Yaounde yesterday 24, February 2016, during a seminar to popularize into innovative techniques and technologies in construction exhibited during the 2015 Paris Fair on buildings and construction, at which over 200 expert participants represented Cameroon.

Meanwhile, experts are interested to use some of the skills and techniques exhibited at the BATIMAT to speed up the increasing number of the infrastructure works across the country. To the director general of BATIMAT, Guillaume Loizeoud, the biennial International Building Exhibition which will be in its 34th edition in 2017, could be a vector of communication and accelerator of Cameroon’s development and emergence.

Speaking during the workshops the President of the National Order of Civil Engineers, Kisito Ngoa sharply highlights aspects which have compromise the quality of construction works across Cameroon, in which some of the aspects were based in an explanation of the collapse of some buildings even before the works are over. He elucidate that, there are three aspect in construction such as; the skills on the technicians, engineers, all the actors in the sectors and the cost of the construction, when all these are put together, it will reveal that there is a big problem in our country to have self and quality construction.

According to the exhibition presented by some various participants it goes a long way in improving the fenestration of equipment, finishing of construction, decorations, ICT, materials, machines and tools software.

The Public Works officials said, it was therefore a platform to present the outcome of the Cameroon’s participation in the 2015 exhibition and chart the way forward for a better performance during the next edition schedule for Paris Nord Villepinte, November 6-10, 2017.

Their experience have a remarkable aspects of over 200 exhibits, expected to revolutionaries the local construction industry from capacity building to new software, designed techniques and construction materials with the hope of cutting down humans and materials imports for the growing number of the infrastructural projects in the country.

The Secretary of State in charge of roads of MINTP, flaunts by the director general of BATIMAT, Guillaume Loizeoud organizer of the fair, sounds updates that public private sectors partnerships will be brooked while innovative techniques will be used from conception to construction of quality works that will meet the nation out of poverty and stagnation.


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