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MINTP institute New Log Book to improve road construction and road rehabilitation project

Posté le : janv. 22, 2016, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The new tool is been implement in order to know the level at which projects are been delayed and why it is not properly executed since some roads did not attained the length of time given before it start deteriorating. The toll will facilitate the day-to-day follow-up of road construction and road rehabilitation for the year 2016.

The Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, realized from statistics that 7000km of tarred roads are largely degraded, strewn with potholes. It is from this remark that he dished out to his collaborators and the enterprises concern to ensure rigour reigns in the road construction and maintenance of contracts in the country.

This declaration was made during the annual conference meeting of senior staff from the central and decentralised services of the Ministry of Public Works chaired by Minister Emmanuel Nganou Djoumissi at the National Advanced School of Public Works on Friday January 15, 2016 in Yaounde.

In order to ensure proper management and monitoring of road construction projects, MINTP has elaborated and put in place three main tools such as; evaluation form for projects follow-up, work journal and procedure manuals. To this effect a workshops was held with officials and road construction stakeholders to jointly examine the counter performance of road maintenance system, in order to bring out proposal for better governance.

The workshop was held under the theme: “Governance for the strengthening of projects execution and to perfect the level of road infrastructure” it was chaired by the Technical Inspector No 1, François Ewane Felix, of MINTP with some stakeholder and MINTP collaborators. It was programme to make proposals to the hierarchy; to provide a common understanding of the rules in MINTP, to identify lines to improve practice for healthy governance and to critically review the procedures of the outputs that will reflect activities of MINTP as the state engineer.

Under the aspect of eligibility and accountability in the interest of efficiency, the following proposals were made;

-          To retain the means of direct labour in order to distinguish it from other types of controlled

-          The direct labour is define as consisting proceeds for administration, a decentralised local authority, a public or semi-public company to control intellectual services and\or works, to hire materials or qualified staff on permanent basis to supplies necessary man power for the implementation and monitoring.

-          To speed up the acquisition and installation of crushers for the production of aggregates in each region

-          There should be a book implementing counterparts’ innovative products including; chemical stabilization of earth roads, and to regulate administrative authority.

At the end of the workshop, the following conclusions were recorded; that materials should be the first priority, since most of the enterprises lack qualified man power and equipment to effectively carryout road maintenance. If the question of the effective mobilization of all financial resources is addressed, then the incentives for the benefit of personal stains are clearly defined.

Lastly the minister responded to this, by urging his collaborators to classify the roads in the following order of priority like, the most degraded roads, roads that carry heavy traffics and roads with economic importance to the country. In addition, he urged the regional delegates to ensure that the tools put in place to guarantee good governance and curb corruption and bottle necks, are mastered and respected by stakeholders in their respective regions.

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