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Implementation of projects infrastructures: MINTP recommend technical standard

Posté le : avril 17, 2015, Par : admin - Dans : Actualités

The first ministerial decree designated the Ministry of Public Works as the sole state engineer, giving MINTP an upper hand to carry out supervision and control of infrastructural projects in Cameroon

Ceremony grounded on a national workshop for the appropriation of the technical project management reform in the execution of infrastructure projects has been opened yesterday, 16 April 2015, at Hotel Mont Fébé under the chairmanship of the Minister of Public Works, Patrice AMBA SALLA accompanied by the Secretary of State in charge of road Hans NYETAM NYETAM with other MINTP collaborators and the various stakeholders involved in the field of construction.

It was for this reason that MINTP organize a workshop to better interpret and implement the 2014 decree of No. 2014/3863/PM of 21 November 2014.

Speaking during the opening ceremony the Minister of Public Works sizes the opportunity to specially thank the Prime Minister Head of Government, Philemon Yang for his constant management throughout the year 2014. In his speech he reveal the process in view of the harmonization of infrastructure projects in Cameroon, which resulted to the signing by the Head of Government, of decree No. 2014/3863/PM of 21 November 2014 to organized technical project management in the execution of infrastructural projects in Cameroon.

In a strong show of protest the minister of MINTP added that, there has been a trespassing in the general show of his functions as the state engineer by the various ministerial departments, despite the 2014 prime ministerial decree, organizing his duties to supervise all state infrastructures projects.

In a nutshell, the workshop was therefore to present the missions of the technical supervisory ministries and to resolve how the Ministry of Public Works will better take appropriate measures to bring order into infrastructural development in the country.

The General Director of Technical Studies of MINTP Daniel Guy ZOA ABOUNA did the first presentation. According to his illustration, he brings out the actual roles of MINTP as regard infrastructural projects in the country, he later on led emphasis on the aspect of respecting the norms and standard started in the contract in order to better affect moderate structures. The overflow population was closed to 200 persons including stakeholders.

The workshop will be orgainsed in the North, Southwest and South region including the stakeholders.

In short what the minister of public works wants to see is that, the infrastructural projects in Cameroon are all realized by the ministry of public works before handing over to the concerned ministries for management.

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