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Awaiting Ring road section one Ndop-Kumbo 60.5 km is now 97.96% close to completion

Posté le : févr. 27, 2015, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

All will never be the same again with the people in the Northwest Region, since the road Ndop-Babessi and Babessi-Kumbo is 97.96% gone. According to the last report from the control mission the construction work on the road Ndop-Kumbo will be completed very soon. What is left for this project to be completed entirely is the expansion of the width from initial 5m to 7m and construction of culverts (drainage) to avoid water blockage on the sides of the road.

The convention road Ndop-Kumbo is 60.5km linking two divisions located in the North West Region, precisely in Ngoketunjia and Bui division. The construction work of this road, was prescribe to SOGEA SATOM and the technical control work was handed over to ECTA-BTP. The terms on the contract stated that, the work will last for 46 months, and additional one (1) month for the technical control mission to cross check the work if all the norms and standard were respected before reception. The ring road in consist of a tarring concrete coating of 1.50m, ground width of 7m, following with an asphalt concrete shoulders of 2x1.5m coated.

What noting is that, the Ministry of Public Works this time around is not living any stone on-turned, the ministry is doing all its best to see that the national roads network be constructed with soilet materials, to increase economic development there by improved on the living standard of the people.

The overall physical progress of work stands at 98.31% and for control 96,14%. The total length of the ring road Bamenda Ndop-Kumbo, Nkambe-Bamenda-Wum is 358.5 km and is provided in five sections, namely; section 1: Ndop Kumbo (60.5km);  section 2: Kumbo Nkambe (69.5 km); section 3: Nkambe Wum (110 km); section 4: Wum Bamenda (78.5 km); section 5: Bamenda Ndop (40 km)

Looking at the total amount involved in this project, money disbursement is been done according to the work done per month, MINTP thought it wise to break the payment per month, because of the vagueness of the contractors. What to note on this project is that, money are been paid depending on the work done, if the company work on that month is perfectly done, the amount demanded will be paid to them before they continue with the work to the other month.

What is left undone is amounted to 7110 566 247 FCFA financed by the Public Investment Fund (PIB).  However, the difficulties associated with the successful execution of this project are compound, especially at the release of-way, the low level of mobilization of equipments, late payment of funds and the topography situation of the area.

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