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MINTP: Encourage the use of local material in the construction of public buildings

Posté le : févr. 27, 2015, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

Partnership was sign between the Ministry of Public Works and MIPROMALO to produce local material (compressed earth blocks) for the construction of classroom in the suburb of the regions.

In order to cement this ties an agreement was reach between the MINTP and MIPROMALO in 2008, then later the convention was later reviewed in 2010 sought to organize activities for the production of local materials within the two structures both within the center and decentralised services of the ministry of Public Works. The out come of the partnership is the construction of several classrooms with local materials in the Northwest, West and Center Regions of the country.

Following the announcement made by the government of Cameroon for an invention of the construction of some 10.000 low cost public houses in the cities across the country, to scale down on the high demand of lodging on the part of citizens. The Prime Minister Head of Government urge the various ministries in charge to exploit local material for the construction of public edifice. The government effort in shaping the ideal and giving place of the value to the use of the local materials have been limping since the advent of the initiative.

In order to boost the production of local material, the Ministry of Public Works went into this partnership with MIPROMALO for the technicians to train the youths on how to produced local material and erect structures (houses) using local material, moreover, in this regard it has played a long role for the reduction of unemployment in the country.

Furthermore, MINTP carryout promotion through the means of financing MIPROMALO, to produced local material for construction of classrooms and to train youths in that area on how to produce local material. According to MINTP researchers it will enhance rapid development at a lower cost.

The outcome of the promotion of local material, is seen from the construction of several classrooms using (compressed earth blocks) in the suburb of Northwest, West and in the Center Region precisely at Nyong et Mfoumou division, where two (2) classrooms were constructed at the Mve Nursery School, two (2) classrooms at the SAR/SM Akonolinga, three (3) Classrooms at the Government Practicing School /ENIEG, two (2) classrooms at CES /KPWAMENDJIN and four others at the suburb of the town, with the same dimension of 7ml x 7ml long with a total surface of 49m2, for an estimated sum of 90.000.00090.000.000 FCFA, sponsored by the (PIB) Public Investment Budget of the Ministry of Public Works.

After the construction of the classrooms MINTP and MINPROMALO organized a seminar inviting some government officials in that locality especially the Mayor to come an experienced an exhibition on how to produced and construct with local material. After that MINTP will hand over the classroom keys to the director of the school. This was seen in the center Region at Akonolinga were the Minister of Public Works Patrice AMBA SALLA accompanied by his collaborators handed over the keys to some classrooms already built at Akonolinga with local materials.

It is from this regard that MIPROMALO promised to supply 3000 compressed earth block to councils throughout the national territory. They succeeded to lure a good chunk of public institutions to valorize local materials in the construction of buildings.

The positive aspect of this endeavor is the modest living standard introduced to the inhabitance of these areas; this technique is something that has to be organized and effectively executed to make sure that what we call a classroom should resemble a classroom.  Besides the popularizing of local materials in the construction of public buildings the aim is also to transfer such technology to the younger generation. Some youths from this division who has benefited from this project in terms of training demonstrated their skills to the visitor.

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