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Normes techniques et cadre réglementaire

Development of the road Kumba-Mamfe: the effectiveness of work will soon begin

Posté le : oct. 21, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : en-Actualités

The Minister of Public Works has promise to do its best to enable the International Labour Office to attend all the objectives set out in the Technical Assistance Convention.

The breath of fresh air will soon blow towards the people of Kumba-Mamfe in the Southwest Region. It is for this reason the International Labour Office (ILO) organise a seminar under the theme "Youth Employment" based on the activities of the Kumba-Mamfe Road Construction Project, which today confirms the aim of the Head of State, his Excellency Paul Biya, to implement its political program of Major Accomplishments; which will finally place the Republic of Cameroon at the level of emerging countries by 2035.

The contract for the construction of the section road between Kumba and Nfaitock has been awarded to the CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, and the section road between Nfaitock and Bachuo-Akagbe has been awarded to the JIANGSU Engineering TRANSPORTATION GROUP. These two companies are already on the field and are caring out survey activities with the construction of their base camp. The first part of the Socio-economic project impacts on monitoring and evaluation is done by the National Institute of Statistics, which is already going on.

The Kumba-Mamfe road construction project is composed of the tarring of the road between Kumba and Mamfe, the main road will consist of earthworks, construction layers of the pavement in good lateritic, compacted gravel to a height of at least 50 cm and covering 5 cm asphalt concrete road, of 151 km over a width of 10 meters, including construction and / or rehabilitation of several bridges and many curvets and gutters. Concerning social facility works, one hundred and eighteen (118) km of rural roads will be created, in which ten (10) kilometers will be made ​​by the following ILO labour intensive approach, five (05) Women's Empowerment and Family centres, four (04) Centres Youth Development Multifunctional, and six (06) market sheds will be offered to the population, one forestry and wildlife control station at Konye, two (02) footbridges at Konye and Bakebe, thirty one (31) drying areas and six (06) schools in the area covered by the project will be constructed, not forgetting the rehabilitation of the Konye district hospital.

The total length of the road is 101.5km with an estimated sum of 54.669.282.970 fcfa, linking the division of Manyu and Kupe Manengouba. MINTP being the project owner thought it wise to break the project into two, in order to facilitate the construction. Lot 1, Kumba-Bakundu with the total length of (54.44km) was prescribe to China Construction Company Ltd and Lot 2, is giving to Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Engineering Group co Ltd, both companies have 36 months to complete the work.

The project is jointly financed by three donors; that is African Development Bank (ADB), the loan agreement amounts to a total of 37.370 billion fcfa, the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) offers 25 billion fcfa and the State of Cameroon is to invest 23.38 billion fcfa.

- As for the institutional support activities in the transport sector, it will be provided one hundred and thirty two (132) Lots of small agricultural equipment and Intermediate Means of Transport (IMT) to women's associations, they will also provided two ambulances and other small equipment for emergency road accident cases in order to support improvement of road safety. The Road Master Plan will also be updated in this project, monitoring and assessment socio-economic impact activity of the project will be performed by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) and the creation of youth employment and enhancement of youth employability through the Kumba -Mamfe road construction work activity, this has been assigned to the Office of international Labour organization, given its experience in that field.

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