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Ouvrages d'art


Posté le : août 12, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : AMI

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST No 093/AAMI/MINTP/2014 of 31 July 2014 for the conduct of technical compliance audits and identification of the

actions to be carried out in view of the standardization of each of the four (4) international airports in Cameroon

1- Introduction

In order to have the exact situation of the four (4) international airports in

Cameroon (Douala, Yaounde-Nsimalen, Garoua and Maroua-Salak) and to identify the actions to be carried out in view of their international standardization, the Government of Cameroon intends to conduct audits for the said airports.


The object of this Request for Expression of Interest is the pre-selection of consulting firms or joint-ventures to draw up a shortlist of consultants willing to participate in the Limited International Invitation to Tender for the conduct of technical compliant audits and identification of the actions to be carried out in view of the standardization of the Douala, Yaounde-Nsimalen, Garoua and Maroua-Salak airports.

Details of the works are indicated in the terms of reference and summarized as follows:

-       Carry out the technical and environmental diagnoses;

-       Identify a priority action programme for international standardization, including an implementation schedule;

-       Draw up terms of references for the technical studies in order to define the exact nature of works to be executed in view of international standardization,

2- Financing

The works shall be financed by the MINTP Public Investment Budget (PIB) for the 2014 Financial Year, line 46 36 3300122031.

3- Selection criteria

Each interested consultant must:

-       Be a consulting firm or joint-venture with proof of competence and experience in the fields cited in section 3 above;

-       Show proof of enough technical and financial capacities for the conduct of the study;

-       Dispose of skilled staff for the works to be executed;

-      Show proof of the mastery of the legal texts in force in the field of Public Contracts in Cameroon.

4- Application files

Lest they be rejected, consultants shall present clearly and in details, the following elements which must be communicated and be subject to verification.

Administrative documents (envelope A)

Envelope A shall contain the following information:

·         For national consultants:

-       A letter specifying that the consultant intends to submit a bid for the Limited International Invitation to Tender if he is pre-selected;

-       The name and address of the tenderer;

-       The statute or instruments attesting the existence of the consultant;

-       The approval of the joint-venture if need be;

-       An attestation of non-bankcruptcy dating less than ninety (90) days and issued by the Court of First Instance with jurisdiction;

-       A copy of a current taxpayer’s card;

-       A copy of the current business licence;

-       A certificate of tax imposition dating less than one (1) month old;

-       The authorization  to check references; duly signed by the General Manager of the consulting firm or by the representative of the joint-venture, such authorization shall enable the Project Owner to carry out any verifications deemed necessary in order to ensure the accuracy of the information relating to the references presented.

·         For international consultants:

-       A letter specifying that the consultant intends to submit a bid for the Limited International Invitation to Tender if he is pre-selected;

-       The name and address of the tenderer;

-       The statute or instruments attesting the existence of the consultant;

-       The approval of the joint-venture if need be;

-       An attestation of non-bankcruptcy dating less than ninety (90) days and issued by a competent authority with jurisdiction;

-       An attestation issued by a tax administration with jurisdiction attesting that the consultant has made the regulatory tax declarations for the current fiscal year;

-       The authorization  to check references; duly signed by the General Manager of the consulting firm or by the representative of the joint-venture, such authorization shall enable the Project Owner to carry out any verifications deemed necessary in order to ensure the accuracy of the information relating to the references presented.

Technical proposal (envelope B)

Envelope B shall contain the following information:

-       The list of the key staff (cf attachment 1) with copies of diplomas, signed CVs and an attestation of exclusivity and availability signed by each expert as well as the consultant’s management (cf model in attachment 2);

-       The references of the consulting firm or joint-venture for similar works executed during the past ten (10) years: such references shall be presented in the form of contracts accompanied by reports as well as any other additional documents;

-       Balance sheets of trading accounts for the past three (3) years.

5.    Evaluation and selection criteria

Upon reception, tenders shall be evaluated as per the following criteria:

5.1 Eliminatory criteria


Eliminatory criteria


Incomplete administrative document


Less than 50% of the key staff experts are of Cameroonian nationality


Key staff mark for experience of less than 30/40


Consultant’s reference mark of less than 30/40

Any consultant with at least one of the above criteria shall be disqualified.

5.2 Selection criteria


Selection criteria




Experience of key staff (CV and diploma of each expert accompanied with the Attestation of exclusivity and availability (except the Mission Head)





References of the consulting firm or joint-venture for similar works executed during the past ten (10) years (show proof of the execution of similar works)







Experience, qualification and references of the Mission Head and the Attestation of exclusivity and availability. He must be an aviation Engineer, show proof of at least the G.C.E A/Level + 5 years with at least fifteen (15) years experience and having conducted during the past ten (10) years: i) at least 4 design studies of an airport (as civil aviation Engineer); ii) at least 4 rehabilitation studies as Mission Head; iii) at least 2 similar projects in Sub-Saharan Africa






Financial capacity of the consultant (average turnover for the past three (3) years of at least 200.000.000 CFA F)




Only consultants having scored a total mark of seventy (70) out of one hundred (100) points after the evaluation session shall be pre-selected for the Limited International Invitation to Tender.

6. Submission of tenders

Draftd in English or French and in sextuplicate (6) including one (1) original and five (5) copies labelled as such, tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope at the following address:

Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General of Technical Studies, Department

of Studies for Buildings and Other Fnfrastructures, Centre Regional Delegation of Public Works by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, tel.: (237) _________,


no later than 29 August 2014 at 11 a.m, local time. They shall bear the following:

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST No 093/AAMI/MINTP/2014 of 31 July 2014 for the conduct of technical compliance audits and identification of the

actions to be carried out in view of the standardization of each of the four (4) international airport in Cameroon

To be opened only at the evaluation session”

7. Publication of results

The Limited International Invitation to Tender which shall be issued following this Request for Expression of Interest on the conduct of technical compliant audits and identification of the actions to be carried out in view of the standardization of each of the 4 international airports in Cameroon, shall serve as result for this pre-selection.

6 Further information

Additional information may be obtained every day during working hours at the following address:

Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General of Technical Studies, Department

of Studies for Buildings and Other Fnfrastructures, Centre Regional Delegation of Public Works by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, tel.: (237) _________,



- ARMP (for publication)

- SOPECAM (for publication)

- MINMAP (for information and notice board)


The Minister for Public Works


ANNEX 1: List of key staff

-       Mission Head : 10 points

-       Other experts: 40 points







Mission Head

- Civil aviation Engineer;

- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 5 years;

- At least fifteen (15) years experience (cf TOR)




Civil Engineer

- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 5 years;

- At least ten (1o) years experience (cf TOR)




- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 5 years;

- At least 6 to 8 years experience (cf TOR)



Computer/network Engineer

- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 3 years;

- At least 6 to 8 years experience (cf TOR)



Air security Electronics Engienner

- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 5 years;

- At least 6 to 8 years experience (cf TOR)



Electrical Engineer

- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 5 years;

- At least 6 to 8 years experience (cf TOR)



Quality, hygiene and security Engineer

- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 3 years;

- At least 6 to 8 years experience (cf TOR)




- At least the G.C.E A/Level + 3 years;

- At least 6 to 8 years experience (cf TOR)






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Avis d’appel à manifestations d’intérêts n°093

Posté le : août 12, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : AMI

Avis d’appel à manifestations d’intérêts n°093/AAMI/MINTP/2014 du 31j...