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Construction and rehabilitation of earth road: Kumba –Mundemba- undergoing construction

Posté le : juin 30, 2014, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

With consistent innovation and advancement, the Ministry of Public Works (MINTP) is designed to handle the pressure of high volume and high speed transportation. Moreover, Mintp is striving hard to forge new alliances and acquire modern technologies that will play a crucial role in the development of national roads network.

MINTP being the Project owner has as Mission, the supervision and technical control of the public infrastructure and building construction projects. The emergence of the ongoing work for the rehabilitation of some earth roads in the regions stretches in Kumba-Mundemba South West Region, Ndain division, following the instruction giving by the Minister of Public Works Patrice Amba Salla urging the engineers’ and contractors to hasting with the said project because he had a dream. A dream of making road construction better, since quality machines have been put in place to enhance the contractors efficiency at work, enable them to complete their projects ahead of schedule with better quality of roads that would touch and transform the lives of the people.

The situation marked by urgency causes the operation in the company for brief reconnaissance of the road, details studies to be carried out during the execution by the company and mission control, thereby, given the impending construction of the road Loum-Kumba-Mundemba-Isenguele-Akwa, in this the Minister of Public Works asked the project team on March 14, 2013, to save money by reducing the undying work, in order to ensure the flow of said rehabilitation road. This new orientation has let the project team to review their option discussed in the detailed study and split the project in to two;

-      The first phase is to rehabilitate the existing pavement by expanding places where the width is less than 7m and maintained the with that is greater than 7m;

-      A second phase will be to make aware of the road after running and receiving rehabilitation care. The definition of task related thereto will be made at the end of the first phase.

The tarring is flat and hilly in places which cover from Kumba-Mbongue, Mbongue-Ekondo-Titi, Ekondo-Titi Kumba-Mundemba with the tarring surface of 112km, lot 3, N16, total amount of 3,999,999,975 for a duration of 24 months (2 years) this project was sign in 2012 and is being done by Super Confort, level of work 77%, for a duration of 24 months, financed by the Ministry of Public Works in it budget for the fiscal year 2012.

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