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Posté le : déc. 9, 2013, Par : Hannah - Dans : AOR

No 79/DC/MINTP/CPM/2013 of 4 december 2013

for the supply of one (1) air-conditioned 4WD double cabine pick-up vehicle at the Ministry of Public Works, Division of Engineering Structures

Financing: MINTP budget for the 2013 Financial Year, line 36 3300093 2031

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, the Minister for Public Works, Project Owner, hereby issues a Request for Quotation for the execution of the above works.

  1. 1. Object

The tender concerns the supply of one (1) air-conditioned 4WD double cabine pick-up vehicle to be used by the Division of Engineering Structures for the continuous monitoring of the classified road network engineering structures:


2. Eligibility

Participation in this tender shall be open to Cameroon-based new-car dealers.


  1. Financing

The services shall be financed by the Budget of the Ministry of Public Works for the 2013 Financial Year, line 36 3300093 2031 for an estimated cost of thirty million (30 000 000) CFA F, inclusive of taxes.


  1. Timeframe

The maximum execution timeframe shall be 10 days.

Supplies shall be made at the Sub-Department of the State’s Fleet Services.

  1. Consultation of tender documents

Tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the MINTP Division of Contracts,Tenders Unit, Tel: 22 23 14 22 by the Yaounde Municipal Lake.


  1. 6. Aquisition of consultation documents

Consultation documents may be obtained during working hours at the MINTP Division of Contracts,Tenders Unit by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, upon presentation of a receipt of payment into the Public Treasury of a non-refundable fee of fourty thousand (40 000) CFA F.

Such a receipt must identify the payer as representing a consultant willing to participate in the consultation.


  1. Provisional guarantee

Tenders shall include a provisional guarantee (bid bond), insued in keping with the cotation file by a first class banking institution approved by the minister in charge of finance. It shall stand at five hundred thousand (500 000) CFA F.


The absence of the provisional guarantee or its non-compliance with the enclosed model shall lead to rejection of the tender.

The provisional guarantees of unsuccessful tenderers shall be released at most thirsty (30) days after the expiration of the tender validity. That of the successful tenderer shall be released only when the definitive guarantee shall have been constituted.


  1. Application deadline

Interested tenderers shall have  twenty-one (21) days to apply, with effect from the date of publication of the tender.


  1. 9. Submission of tenders

Drafted in English or French and in eight (8) copies including one (1) original and seven copies, labelled as such, tenders shall be submitted at the MINTP Division of Contracts, Tenders Unit (Block G) by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, no later than 24/12/2013 at 10 a.m. They shall bear the following:


No79/DC/MINTP/CPM/2013 of 4 december 2013 for the supply of one (1) air-conditioned 4WD double cabine pick-up vehicleat the Ministry of Public Works, Division of Engineering Structures

Financing: MINTP budget for the 2013 Financial Year, line 36 3300093 2031”

  1. Tender validity

Tenderers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of sixty (60) days with  effect from the tender-submission deadline.

  1. Tender compliance

Tenders received after the submission deadline or those not respecting the separation mode of the financial offer from the administrative document and technical proposal shall be rejected.


  1. Presentation of tneders

The administratve documents, the technical proposals and the financial offers shall be enclosed in a single envelope and separated by coloured dividers.

  1. Opening of tenders

Tenders shall be opened once by the MINTP Tenders Board on 24/12/2013, at 11 a.m in the meeting room of the Centre Regional Delegation of Public Works.


Only tenderers may attend the opening session or each have themselves represented by one duly mandated person of their choice.

  1. Evaluation criteria

14.1 Eliminatory criteria

  • Absence or non-compliance of administrative documents;
  • False declarations or forged document;
  • Absence of the manufacturer’s autorization;
  • Failure to meet at least four (4) out of the six (6) essential criteria;
  • Failure to meet all the sub-criteria of the after-sales criterion, in keeping with the evaluation grid;
  • Failure to meet one of the following six (6) major technical specifications:


  • Taxable power: at most 9HP
  • Tank capacity: 80 liters minimum
  • Technical specification of supply meeting at least 80% of the mechanical, sizing, weight, equipment and tool characteristics
  • Minimum ground clearance: 265 mm
  • Engine: minimum 2.9 liter diesel cylinder
  • Presence of an anti-theft devise.

14.2Essential criteria

The essential criteria shall be evaluated as per the following binary method:

-       Presentation of tender

-       Technical proposal

-       After-sales service and guarantee

-       Experience of tenderer in the field

-       Planning and supply timeframe

-       Proof of acceptance of the contract conditions


Details of these essential criteria are indicated in the enclosed evaluation grid.


15.   Contract award

The Project Owner shall award the order sheet to the tenderer with the lowest bid

deemed to be essentially in keeping with the cotation file.


16. Further information

Additional information may be obtained during working hours at the Division of Engineering Structures (Engineering Structures Management and Supervision Unit), Tel: 22 22 21 40, or at the Division of Contracts (Tenders Unit), Tel: 22 23 98 70, Ministry of Public Works.

Yaounde 4 december 2013

The Minister for Public Works

Project Owner



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