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construction of the river wouri second bridge

Posté le : oct. 16, 2013, Par : mesp23 - Dans : en-Actualités

Once again, there is fever surrounding preparations for the solemn ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone for the construction works of the Wouri second bridge in Douala.

The Deputy Director of the Civil Cabinet at the Presidency of the Republic, Joseph LE went to Douala on 8 October 2013 to take stock of the state of advancement of development works on the site chosen to host the ceremony for the laying of the foundation stone for the construction works of the second bridge over river Wouri. He was accompanied by Patrice AMBA SALLA, Minister for Public Works.

This was the second visit of its kind in a space of one month. Positive progress has been made within this period thanks to the works carried out day and night by the team responsible for the works.

The five hundred (500) seat main grandstand is already constructed; the pavement of the esplanade using gravel and pozzolan is completed; the platform on which the commemorative stele will be erected has been tiled with marble; canopies of five hundred seats each have been mounted on both sides of the main grandstand. For the reception, two VIP canopies and two other canopies have been mounted for the support staff, they are equipped with powerful air-conditioners and covered with silk carpets.

For the other facilities, public toilets that can be dismantled are already on the site; street lighting is done by standard lamps supplied by two powerful generators. AES/SONEL opted for these autonomous devises in order to guard against eventual power outages.  In the event where one of them breaks down, the other one automatically starts running.

The site has been supplied with water already. Water points are disseminated all over the site to enable the population to quench their thirst.

CAMTEL has connected the site to the optic fiber, satellite and the radio link network. Special lines have been installed since two weeks. This will enable the live broadcast of the ceremony by CRTV (radio and television) without any risk of interruption.

All this led the Deputy Director of the Civil Cabinet to express his full satisfaction and on behalf of the Head of State who sent him for this mission, he thanked the Minister for Public Works, Project Owner and the Governor of the Littoral Region, Chairman of the organizing committee, for the works carried out in the space of only two weeks.

On behalf of the Minister Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic and the Minister Director of the Civil Cabinet, Minister Joseph LE thanked the different teams responsible for the development of the site for the diligence and professionalism with which they carried out this great works. The Deputy Director of the Civil Cabinet encouraged everyone concerned to continue on the same line for the finishing works even if “nobody knows neither the day nor the hour of the ceremony”.

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