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Journal des projets


Posté le : sept. 13, 2013, Par : Hannah - Dans : en-Actualités

The Ministry of Public Works conducts a reflection on the maintenance of earth roads led by cabinet René Esso. The working group held a progress meeting on the 13 September 2013 in the Yaounde under the chairmanship of Mr. Ntep Jacques, Inspector No. 3 of MINTP.

Participants discussed turn round problems, the availability of materials engineering; the consumption in road maintenance, credits land and lower costs for aggregates. In the part of materials engineering, participants noted with regret the very high cost of leasing of equipment by MATGENIE because its fixed costs are too high compared to the expose private outdoor equipment. (like the esplanade sports stadium in Yaounde) The representative of MATGENIE explained that it was because of the economy of scale that resulted in lower rental cost, presently, they have 120 machines in which they are intended to increase to 150 before 2015.

Speaking in the meeting the chairman questioned if the parks available are in current used? The answer was no, reason that less material is used making it very expensive to maintain, moreover, the most expensive machines are graders, some have been acquired in the prospect of great work. The representative of Military Engineering declare that its structure will soon acquire 15 graders recommended to combine development companies such as SODECAO, SODECOTON and Forestry Companies that have equipment engineering to rent out for the maintenance of dirt roads.

As for the problem of under-consumption of the appropriation for the maintenance of dirt roads, it was precise that this year is likely to be terrible based on the fact that, the 55 billion allocated for this section are not yet consumed. But we need to add 70 billion for 2014.

Lastly, the reduction of inputs to lower the price of miles of paved road, the participants proposed that the prices of material be lower including producers of cement, iron and other inputs, furthermore, the purchase of equipment could also be free from customs duties and other import taxes.

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