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Appels d'Offres

The PACRI Complaint Management Mechanism (GMP)

Posté le : mars 28, 2024, Par : kevinkonmenek - Dans : en-Actualités

The PACRI Complaint Management Mechanism (GMP) is intended to be a tool through which stakeholders can make their voice

The PACRI Complaint Management Mechanism (GMP) is intended to be a tool through which stakeholders can make their voice, suggestion, concern and complaint heard in relation to the environmental and social impacts and risks including gender-based violence caused by project workers. Then the MGP establishes procedures and deadlines to capture these suggestions and complaints in a timely manner and to facilitate their processing and resolution.

Kindly contact :

1. Tél. : 691 509 516

2. : Tél. : 670 176 608




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