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North Region: Construction of bridge over Mayo Pintchoumba river ongoing

Posté le : févr. 15, 2024, Par : BEYOKOL - Dans : Actualités

The construction of the bridge over River Pintchoumba in the North Region is ongoing. In this month of February 2024, the physical progress Works is overall 45,26%, as concern the ingenieurs.
The project is part of contract  N°117/M/MINMAP/CMPM-TI/2019 of June 24, 2019, awarded to  a Joint venture consteuction company ARMADA - CAM SARL /ARMADA - TCHAD SARL.  The execution of the construction of the bridge and its access points over the Mayo Pintchoumba river is at PK 11+800 on the Pana Poli road section, in the Faro division, of the North Region. It is awarded to SARL/ CADEK SARL. While specifying the development of an infrasteucture, the physical progress of work as of now stands at 45.24%. What has been done so far  starts from the site installation, clearing the rights side way and the general  earthworks the development of the roadway.The execution of construction works of a bridge over the Mayo Pintchoumba river is financed by the Public Invested Budget (PIB) for an estimated amount of 2 144 131 913 including tax.  According to the construction work schedule, the completion of work is plannes for the 23 of December 2024.  But in the meantime,  what is left on the field on done is the casting of deck, the embankment adjacent to the road, the implementation of rehabilitation, the completion of the supersteuctures such as , (sidewalk, wearing course, safety barriers and road and sidewalk seal) and the development of access road. The completion of the construction work of the bridge with access road aims at restore communication between the cities of Pana and Poli to open up production areas, by improving the tansportation of goods and persons leading to the  development of economic activities thereby increase income, also facilitate access to markets, hospitals and schools.

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