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National Road N°11 : Regional Delegates of the Ministry of Public works Participate in a Workshop Concerning The Ring-Road and Gender Project Bamenda

Posté le : nov. 21, 2023, Par : BEYOKOL - Dans : Actualités

UN Women organized a one day restitution workshop in Bamenda on the 18th of October 2023 for beneficiaries, NGO, Public services, Councils and others actors operating in the zone of the Ring Road Project.
Specific to Women Economic Empowerment, UN Women Cameroon Country Office has been funded by the Government of Cameroon to implement a project titled “Ring Road and Gender” that seeks to improve the productivity and reduce time and labor burdens of women, promote opportunities for women farmers to participate and move up the green value chain, affordable and scalable learning, entrepreneurship and employment pathways for empowering women living along the Ring Road. This project covers the entire Ring Road (375km) involving 6 divisions starting from Bamenda, Ndop, Kumbo, Nkambe, Misaje, Mungong, Kimbi, Nyos, Weh, Wum, Bafut and Bamenda. It targets 3,850 women as direct beneficiaries located along the stretch of the road. The main objectives of the workshop are to validate the report of the consultants of the socio-economic study, present the methodology of the study, present the situation of men and women in the zone and the main challenges to reduce gender inequality, present their recommendations in terms of strategy, priorities, networking etc, exchanges between the participants and the consultants of the study and Include contributions of participants in the report. The program begun with a brief word of welcome which was given by the Economic Empowerment Expert Mr. Ateba Emmanuel just before the reading of the welcome speech of the Resident Representative who was unavoidably absent from the session. In her welcome speech that was read by the Project Officer of the Ring Road project Anjonga Emmanuel, some lights was thrown on the mission of UN Women, the Ring Road project and the socio economic study whose findings are being presented. The Objectives of the workshop were properly elaborated by Mr. Ateba to enable participants have a better understanding of the project. The microphone was taken round to all participants to introduce themselves, the structures they represent and the role they play. It was interesting to know the different backgrounds and structures from where participants were coming from especially representing all project implementations sites.  Following was the international consultant Yassini Fall who presented the major findings of the socio-economic study conducted within the time frame of 25 days using mixed research methods. In the 17 slides she presented the methodology of the study, the different participants, the areas covered, the major findings and ended with recommendations. Working with a National consultant (Shei William) who understands the terrain, they were able to reach out to respondent touching all the 16 municipalities in the 6 Divisions of the Ring Road. Her presentation attracted much attention as the different stakeholders took notes which were discussed during the discussion session and articipants had the chance to asked question and or make proposal to either make the study report better or to make the project more successful. The Regional Delegate for Public Works for the North West Region clarified participants about the Ring Road, he emphasized that the stretch Babungo Babessi has been done, contracts of other stretches have been awarded to 3 other contractors for the work to be done simultaneously. This is because the government want to see the realization of the road as soon as possible. When ask the duration it will take to complete the entire road, he responded that the work is done in phases and the current contract awards now are for 2 years.The workshop resulted to a better understanding of the Ring Road and gender project by stakeholders, the presentation of the situation of men and women presented in the actual context, mapping of different stakeholders in the project areas, collaboration between public and private actors active in the project area, an appropriate strategy of implementation of the project validated etc. The session ended well with stakeholders in attendance being satisfied for being given a chance to add their voices in the wonderful project that is about to take off and impact in the lives of hundred of women. The final version of the report will be shared soon having the inputs from the Yaounde and Bamenda restitution. This document will enable the project team to effectively implement the project as this study is a road map to guide the project. The 5 hours session ended at 2pm.

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