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Journal des projets

MINTP evaluates projects in South West Region

Posté le : sept. 26, 2023, Par : BEYOKOL - Dans : Actualités

The Ministry of Public Works, MINTP has reviewed ongoing road projects in the South West Region.
The projects are being examined at a four-day meeting chaired by Public works Minister, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi. The meeting has in  attendance senior officials of the ministry of Public Works and authorities of the various road construction companies. Some of the projects include the rehabilitation of the Man'Owar-Bay-Bimbia-Dikolo in Limbs, which covers 10.60km, and National road No.3 Karata 1.30km making a total of (12km).The second phase of the karata road stretch is being rehabilitated for an estimated amount of 1,324,643,769 FCFA and a duration of 10 months. According to the contractors, the physical progress of work stands at 66.19% and late consumption of 59.73%. Ultimately, this work will make it possible to shift part of the current traffic and improve road crossings and transport conditions for populations and goods The contractors have explained that one of their difficulties is the threat from the separatists. Meanwhile the paving of the road  stretch Melong-Bangem phase II 32.45km and access to the Kupe- Muanenguba I the Southwest region, was handed over to Bundes construction and Real Estate company Ltd. It is  financed by MINTP Investment Bugdge and the Road Fund for an estimated amount of 1,730,000,000 FCFA. The physical advanced progress stands at 97%. The little that is left undone is the existence of hydraulic structure which needs to be extended, need for a trapezoidal concert gutter at PK10-00 -10+159. After listening to the contractor and the control missions  the Minister of Public Works urged the Construction company and the actors involved in these projects to be rest assured that money will be provided.Finally, the Minister instructed the finance desk to see how money can be put at their disposal both in the Northwest and Southwest regions.

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