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Ouvrages d'art

Installation of Gantries on the Mora-Dabanga-Kousseri Road

Posté le : nov. 28, 2022, Par : alima - Dans : Actualités

The installation of gantries on National No.1, Mora-Dabanga-Kousseri section, has recorded progress as one has been erected at KP 4+500 between Mora and Kousseri. It should be mentioned that so far, it takes up to 6 days to install a gantry. Two prefabricated gantries are fit for installation, the third one is being assembled at the workshop.

The Minister of Public Works has decided to install these devices, including rain gates, as a result of non-compliance of road users with the regulation governing load limits; they rather abusively overload, as observed on this section of National Road No 1. This conduct impedes works which have been going on for several months now, and has led to the advanced degradation of the pavement.

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Route Olama-Bingambo: les opérations préalables à la réception des travaux ont débuté

Posté le : mars 23, 2022, Par : alima - Dans : Actualités

Longue de 106 Km, la réception des travaux de construction de la route Olama-Bingambo est annoncée pour les prochai...

Route Bonepoupa-Yabassi : l’entreprise doit achever les travaux complémentaires

Posté le : sept. 25, 2023, Par : BEYOKOL - Dans : Actualités

Les travaux de construction de la route Bonepoupa-Yabassi sont achevés. Toutefois, l’entreprise doit boucler les p...
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