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National Road No.16: Start of Works on the Kumba-Ekondo Titi Section

Posté le : nov. 28, 2022, Par : alima - Dans : Actualités

Following new security measures taken to enable the execution of construction works for the 60-km-long Kumba-Ekondo Titi stretch, the Rapid Intervention Battalion teams started the project on 4 November 2022.

These teams have been on the site since 4 November 2022, in order to carry on with works on this section of National Road No.16 found in the South-West region. The ongoing works consist in clearing the rights- of-way and maintaining traffic. The Ekondo Titi-Kumba road construction project, found in the South-West region, was part of the road component of the three-year Emergency Plan. Unfortunately, these works, which actually started in 2017, were interrupted due to insecurity in the area. Following a decision by the Head of State, the project was entrusted to the BIR, supported by a team of engineers from the Ministry of Public Works. The cost of works is estimated at 40,601,372,000 CFA Francs, financed by MINTP budget, 2022 2019 Financial Year et seq. An exploratory mission was carried out in July 2022, as a prelude to the restart of works. The project aims at constructing 60 km of road, including related facilities. The Ekondo Titi-Kumba road, 60-km- long, is of paramount importance at the social, security and economic levels. This road section is important for the viability of the region; it is part of the Loum – Kumba –Ekondo Titi – Mundemba – Akwa – Nigeria Border Road.

Kumba-Ekondo Titi Road: Earthworks Are Under Way

The Rapid Intervention Battalion teams, in charge of the construction of the Kumba-Ekondo Titi section found on National Road No.16, are currently deployed at Dikoro village where earthworks, which started a few days ago, are in progress.

The area is located in the open country and the daily output recorded is 600 metres, for a total output estimated on 18 November 2022 at 13,450 km. There is effective cooperation between the BIR teams and the population, who hailed the resumption of works. Several staff members are thus ensuring works which started recently, with a view to constructing this key road. The total number of people working on the site amounts to about one hundred, made up of civilians, military personnel and the staff in charge of logistics. The Ekondo Titi-Kumba road, 60 km-long, is crucial at the social, security and economic levels. This road section is important for the viability of the region; it is part of the Loum – Kumba –Ekondo Titi – Mundemba – Akwa – Nigeria Border Road.

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