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Rehabilitation Works on the Yaounde-Bafoussam-Babadjou road Lot 2 Kalong-Tonga 67km

Posté le : avril 4, 2022, Par : alima - Dans : Actualités

The National Road No.4 Yaounde-Bafoussam-Babadjou (Lot 2) Kalong-Tonga 67km stretch of road constructed by SINOHYDRO Corporation Limited, intends to spans the West and the Northwest regions of Cameroon. The resumption of the construction works on this stretch of road stands an overall progress rate of 98.5% for the second section.

For the work to move concurrently a contract drawn on the section Kalong-Tonga 67km (Lot 2) describing the landscape at which the road should be constructed to better the living standard and facilitate moving of goods and service within West and Northwest regions. Looking at the work description, the amount envisage for the construction works estimated at 34,150,031,421 FCFA excluding tax for a duration of 48 months since 2017, the control mission for this project was handed over to SAFEGE AC-SAFEGE –SPEA engineering, estimated amount for the supervision is  3,272,296,373 FCFA for a duration of 47.5 months, till December 2021. It is evidence looking at the overall progress of work done on the field, work done stands at 98.5%, a delay of 96% recorded since December 2021.

This stretch of road spans the West and the Northwest regions of the Central African country, was divided into four lots for fast execution. The first section stretches from Babadjou-Matazem, a distance of approximately 17km and it is around 51% to be completed, that corridor passes through Bafoussam and Bamenda also known as Abakwa and Mankon Town, whose economy is based mainly on agricultural production and trade, the project is aimed at reducing road accidents, transport costs, and transit times along the corridor connecting Yaounde to eastern border with Nigeria.

In regard to the execution of work done, the construction company has all its facilities to carry on the work to completion such (offices, workshops, accommodation, etc) moreover geotechnical study of the Makénéné quarry known as operation power has been erected, the environmental impact study for the exploitation of the quarry has been done and specification handed over to the construction company on what is expected on the National Road No 4 lots 02 Kalong-Tonga.

In accord with what has been done on field, the automatic weighing station to facilitate access to urban roads is under study, surveys, projection structure, TP, PL,PT are all inline to be erected. Including water, electricity, fiber optics and telephones. Despite the difficulties encountered on the field certain justification for the realization of an advanced pavement section through Makénéné and Tonga road, elements such as the curves and tabulation axis quality assurance plan (QAP) foundation layer mounted to ease the work, the Base layer gravel bitumen of 0/14 is done from PK 00+000 to PK 67+000, wearing course 0/10 from PK00+000 to PK 67+000 constitute construction of buildings.

It should be noted that, from this same PK00-67 there has been a procedure analyses report for the displacement of the CAMTEL networks prefabrication channels to ease the assess of carrying water, from Pk60+788 and Pk60+856 construction of sustainable culverts  on the  site, the shoulder and coted works is 0/31.5, including sanitation works as well as supplementary works, like schools building, hospitals and certain market shops which will be built and handed over to the people living in that locality. Another pertinent aspect apprehension, is the topographical map studies which was done on three section instead of four section, the project owner MINTP instructed the company to include B30 standard hydraulic concrete.

Difficulties encountered by the company were enormous before the provisional technical pre-acceptance of work on 11, November 11 2021 the completion of signaling cause a critical problem both (horizontal and vertical) to repair cracking section was another headache. On the highway NR No 4 on a village called Babitchoua, work was going on well without any hitch, not until 31, January 2022 when the control mission announced their demobilization of their team pose a real problem in terms of quality work to be done, another issues is that the signaling works and marketing works have stopped from Pk15+600 paint is lacking in the stock to continue with the marking on the sections.

The development of this stretch of road is part of the strategy of modernization and upgrading of economic development support sectors adopted by the Cameroonian State and which aims to establish a good and sustainable system of transport in the country thereby reducing transport cost, the development of trade and the integration of regional economies. Actually, this construction will allow the reduction of the huge transport constrain and strengthening the competitiveness of the Cameroonian way compared to the other alternatives of opening up used by the two regions, it will consolidate the two regions



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