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Babadjou-Bamenda Road: Sacred Union around the Project

Posté le : juin 11, 2021, Par : alima - Dans : Actualités

A consultation on the resumption of the construction of the Babadjou-Bamenda road was held on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at the Ministry of Public Works. The meeting initiated by the Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI, in the presence of the Secretary of State to the Minister of Public Works in charge of Roads, representatives of the Mezam, some senior officials of the Ministry of Public Works, the elected representatives of the Mezam Division, the active forces and opinion leaders of the North-West Region, with the aim of constituting an active force in favour of the resumption of the works on the Babadjou-Bamenda section.

Senators, Members of Parliament, Mayors, Representatives of Women's and Youth Associations agreed to provide the Government with all the necessary support to create and maintain a favourable environment for the execution of the works. The points discussed during the meeting included: the Government's reaffirmed determination to complete the project; the renewed support of the financial partner, the World Bank; the organisation of the works; the security constraint; the support of stakeholders; the execution of related works and the resumption of works.

As for the progress of the project itself, after the departure of Sogea-Satom, the Project Owner has proposed a reorganisation of the project which favours an allotment into four sections: Babadjou-Matazem (17km), Matazem-Welcome Bamenda (18km), Bamenda Cliff Bypass (4.930km) and the urban section (11.990km). Four contractors will be mobilised to carry out the works, with the aim of speeding up the progress and getting the road on time. At present, efforts are focused on carrying out the project implementation studies, which should lead to the resumption of the works.

At the end of this consultation, it was agreed that the stakeholders among the opinion leaders and local residents should mobilise and deploy themselves further to block the way to any separatist action aimed at preventing or hindering the smooth running of the works. Focal points have also been appointed to help raise awareness among local residents, particularly in Santa, to facilitate the establishment of contractors and the selection of basic socio-economic projects to be implemented.

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