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Appels d'Offre Restreint


Posté le : janv. 29, 2021, Par : admin - Dans : en-Actualités

The partial acceptance of the Mintom-Lele stretch of road took place last January 26, 2021.

In his capacity as representative of the Project Owner, the Director General of Infrastructure Works, Mr. Mbole Mbole Benoît Parfait proceeded on January 26, 2021, to the partiall acceptance of the Mintom-Lele section of the Sangmélima-Ouesso cross-border, in the presence of the Regional Delegate of Public Works of the South, Abdouraman Nestor; of the CIRA Ingenieurs Conseil control mission and the contracting company, SINOHYDRO Corporation Ltd; the company and the contracting authority.

The said section of road, 67.5 km long, constitutes Lot 1 of the 2nd phase of the Ketta-Djoum road development project, the objective of which is linked to the facilitation of transport on the Brazzaville-Yaounde corridor, with objective to contribute to strengthen regional integration in Central Africa by allowing interconnection on the road axes connecting Cameroon, Congo and other countries of the sub region.

The stops made allowed the DGTI and his team to assess the quality of the road and the structures built on this section of road which includes among others a parking area, crossing structures including a structure built on the Lele river to replace a bridge where savings of over one billion FCFA have been achieved.

Carried out by the SINOHYDRO company, the road works constitute a road structure with a foundation layer of 30cm, a 20cm crushed gravel base layer and a 5cm bituminous concrete coating layer. Related works include, among others, social infrastructure such as classrooms, a social center and a bus station.

The road inspection ended with a feedback meeting at the SINOHYDRO life base in Lele. A meeting during which the representative of the Project Owner expressed his satisfaction for the quality of the work carried on the road which he said meets international standards, while congratulating the contractor SINOHYDRO and the Quality Control Firm CIRAS SAS for the expertise and savings made in the choice of efficient and cheaper technical options, notably the multiple concrete scupper built to replace a bridge over the Lélé river. He however instructed the construction company to reinforce sign posts at some areas, seek for corrective measures to solve the problem of erosion on some slopes with vegetation.

Financed by the AfDB, BDEAC, JICA and the Cameroonian Government to the tune of 35,603,934,671 FCFA, the project was executed within the 36-month contractual deadlines which were fully respected by the company with an execution rate of 99.92% for a consumption deadline of 99.36%.

the works In his capacity as representative of the Project Owner, the Director General of Infrastructure Works, Mr. Mbole Mbole Benoît Parfait proceeded on January 26, 2021, with the provisional acceptance of the Mintom-Lele section of the Sangmélima-Ouesso cross-border, in presence of the Regional Delegate of Public Works of the South, Abdouraman Nestor; of the CIRA Ingenieurs Conseil control mission and the contracting company, SINOHYDRO Corporation Ltd; the company and the contracting authority.

Said section of road, 67.5 km long, constitutes Lot 1 of the 2nd phase of the Ketta-Djoum road development project, the objective of which is linked to the facilitation of transport on the Brazzaville-Yaounde corridor.

The objective of the project is to contribute to the strengthening of regional integration in Central Africa by allowing interconnection on the road axes connecting Cameroon, Congo and other countries of the sub region.

Plus de contenus dans en-Actualités


Posté le : janv. 29, 2021, Par : admin - Dans : en-Actualités

The partial acceptance of the Mintom-Lele stretch of road took place last January 26, 2021.


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