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Minister of Public Works Prescribes, Commissioned newly appointed officials

Posté le : avril 15, 2019, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The newly allotted officials in the Ministry of Public Works, were commissioned on Friday 12, April 2019. The ceremony took place in the main hall of the emergency building in Yaounde, were the appointed officials were drilled to show proof of dedication and efficiency in the discharge of their functions.

The Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, going by the decree commissioned the newly official into their functions. According to the Minister the move is to optimize the performance of human resources, following the rebirth of the reorganization of MINTP by Presidential Decree No. 2018/461 of August 7, 2008. Public Works Minister, was accompanied by the Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Dr. Taiga and the Secretary of State in charge of roads at the Ministry of Public Works, Armand Ndjodom.

In line with the Presidential decree No. 2019/119 of 06 March the Head of State, His Excellency Paul Biya, appointed the General Inspector of Services; Mr. Tang Ahanda Barnabe, the General Inspector in charge of Technical Issues, Mr. Awoh Dang Denis; the Director General of Technical   Studies, Abouna Zoa Guy Daniel and the Director General of Infrastructure Works, Madam Lekeufack epse Metangmo Ndemanou Radegonde Christine Virginie.

Another to decree No. 2019/118 of March 13, 2019, Prime Minister, Head of Government appointed some senior officials to various positions and the lastly Minister Nganou Djoumessi appointed a large number of officials to certain positions of responsibility.

Speaking during the ceremony the Minister reechoed the appointments given that they are should promote the spirit of rigour, effectiveness, competence, loyalty and professionalism. He went further “the reorganization is an eloquent expression of the determination of the Head of State to meet the expectations of the population in terms of viable infrastructure, and by doing that remarks should be taken on our daily activities to assess our ability to accompany the country’s development as far as road infrastructure is concern.

Minister Emmanuel recalled the mission of the Ministry of Public Works, which is to ensure the supervision, technical control of the construction of public infrastructure and buildings as well as the maintenance and protection of the national road heritage. “He further drilled them that there is no permanent positon in the administration because merit is acquired every day through competence and the production of visible results.

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