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MINTP seals mammoth deal to improve road network in the country

Posté le : févr. 5, 2019, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

Due to the huge task shouldered on MINTP, a deal has been reached between the government of Cameroon and a Belgian enterprise, DEM Group, for the supply of heavy duty equipment to improve on the road situation in the country.

Friday 02 February 2019 marked the beginning of changes in the field of construction, looking at the contract signed in a brief ceremony in Yaounde carried out by the Public Works Minister, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, who penned the deal on behalf of government and Mostafa Chenbout, Chief Executive Officer, (CEO) of the DEM Group reached an agreement of the contract, the giant international company will soon start making available equipment to the National Civil Engineering Equipment Pool, known by its French acronym, MATGENIE.

The Brussels-based company will provide machines, spare parts as well train the personnel to handle the equipment, according to the Director General of DEM Group-Cameroon, Yann Le Naour, the 669 equipment will soon start arriving in the country early April this year. “All said and done, when you have a good machine and is not working well, that is to say, you don’t have the right parts, it remains frustrated, but as of now our group will help government to have a fast return from this investment, said Yann. It was also mentioned that the first effective parts of the deal should start by the end of March or early April, he announced.

During the signing ceremony, Public Works Minister, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, had praised the Belgian Group for opting to do business with Cameroon. He said the contract was a turning point in government’s drive to boost the road situation in the country, “As you all are aware, when a road passes, development follows. We think that this contract will help a lot in improving our road network,” Minister Djoumessi said.

In addition, the deputy Director General of MATGENIE, Ebongue Gustave, said the equipment acquired will help MATGENIE carry out certain number of road works. “For example, MATGENIE has developed a strategy to accompany councils in their road initiatives. There are brigades that have been formed so that when these equipment arrive, they will be deployed to the ten regions of our country, and the equipment will be used to carry out works in those council areas. We will also accompany the big companies to realise structural projects and therefore, MATGENIE will boost its pool of equipment through this deal” this in an exchange with newsmen.


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