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Yaounde-Douala Highway. Unveiling of the project, from kilometer 60 to Douala

Posté le : janv. 4, 2018, Par : Eliane - Dans : Actualités

At a time that the contractors of the first section of the Yaounde-Douala highway is progressing with the project, current reflections converge towards the extension of the works right up to the economic capital, considering the functionality of the actions underway on the first sixty kilometers. The execution mode, rhythm and financing of the first phase inevitable lead to a mutation towards a mode that gives priority to Public-Private Partnership.

The second phase of the project consists in the construction of a highway road that will connect the end of the first section currently under construction to Douala town, passing through Edea on a length of 136 km, including connection roads to National Road N°3 at the entrance to Douala and Edea. This phase of the Yaounde-Douala highway construction project is the longest part of the stretch (150 km out of 218). It is comprise of two lots : Bibodi-Edea (70 km) and Edea-Douala (65 km). Concerning the Bibodi-Edea stretch (70 Km), it includes one interchange to enable connection National Road N°3 by Divisional Road N°55. On this itinerary is envisaged the construction of overhead passages, galeries for underground passages, tollgates and rest areas. The Edea-Douala stretch (65 Km), is expected to have five interchanges with one enabling connection to National Road N°3 in Edea, one at the intersection with the connection road to reach National Road N°3 at the entrance to Douala, one between Edea and Douala for connection to the highway section towards Bafoussam, two on the highway intersection slip road (Yaounde-Douala) - (Edea-Kribi) one North of Edea and the other South of the same town. Are also envisaged, the development of overhead passages, galeries for underground passages, tollgates and rest areas.


Currently at the feasibility study phase whose reports are available since February 2017, the project has evolved thanks to the availability of Preliminary Design Studies conducted by SCET Tunisia. The Preliminary Detailed Studies will be conducted by the private partner that will accompany the Cameroonian party in the execution of the construction works of the second phase of the Yaounde-Douala de highway. The contraints related to the execution of the works of the first section called for reflections on the opportunity to change to Public-Private Partnership contract. To this effect, public Request for Expression of Interest procedure is underway at the Ministry of Public Works for the pre-selection of private partners willing to accompany Cameroon in the securement of financing, the construction and exploitation of the Yaounde-Douala highway. CARPA gave its favourable on 30 March 2016 for the publication of this public Request for Expression of Interest, while recalling the contractualization procedure in the PPP mode which consists of the publication of the public Request for Expression of Interest, the pre-selection of five consultants, the launching of the Limited Invitation to Tender, the pre-selection dialogue, the identification of the final consultants selected, the award, the negotiation and the drafting of the partnership contract.

The estimated cost of the works to be executed in billion CFAF on the network selected stands at 733 whereas the timeframe and control of the works shall be 36,7 months.

The functionality of the first phase of the Yaounde-Douala highway has to be through the execution of additional works not considered in the current contract of the first section and the completion of certain tasks, especially the completion of works on the 40-P60 section; the construction of an interchande at Bibodi ; the connection of Bibodi to National Road 3 through Boumnyebel ; the connection of the highway to the Yaounde bypass; the construction of an interchange to access the highway at kilometer 00 ; the construction of the access road to the Yaounde urban network ; the acquisition and installation of exploitation equipment. A feasibility study conducted by CFHEC which is in charge of the works of the first section, shows that the additional works will cost a total sum of close to 108 million CFA F.


Yaounde-Douala Highway. From Bibodi to Douala


Length: 150 km;

Cost of intervention: 770,7 billions ;

Execution timeframe: 48 months;

Execution level: APS studies underway. A Public International Request for Expression of Interest for the works is to be issued based on the document validated by CARPA ;

Consulting firm: SCET TUNISI;

Control mission: Monitoring and technical reception Commission.

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