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Development of road in the Northwest Region: the second pathway road to Bamenda town 20, 00 km

Posté le : janv. 5, 2015, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

The Northwest region, precisely the department of Mezam division will soon enjoy the impact on the economy of the area.

The development work on the second entrance road to Bamenda Town is placidly advancing. Traveling within Mezam division yesteryears referred to as nightmarish will soon change to a beautiful reality, which is the development of the road to reduce the tightness of transportation in the Northwest Region.  Because of the agitation mature of traffic flow, traffic jams, the Ministry of Public Works seek to facilitate transportation in the entrance to Bamenda town, by developing 20, 00 km long road to ease moving of goods and persons in the Mezam division.

In detail, the work started on the 12 April 2013, the first phase involves sit installation, surveying, engineers execution of technical studies, preparatory work (clearing of bush, felling of tress, deforestation) the crossing section corresponding to 7.0m for taxiway and two wide shoulder of 1.50m, added with the construction work of arts and hydraulic.

In order to realize this objective, a contract was awarded to BUN’s for the development work on the second entrance road to Bamenda and to expand the pathway, technical studies given to CERBAT SARL and the geotechnical studies to BRECG SARL. The physical advancement stands at 12%, whereby, 60% has being consumed from the latest date of reception, previewed in June 13, 2015.

Consequently, physical and financial consumption progress stands at 7% for the total amount of 14.000,000, 000 FCFA funded by the PIB (Public Investment Budget) of the Ministry of Public Works. The technical studies have consumed 29% and the geotechnical studies 0%. The BUN’S company is working tooth and nail to make the once muddy and winding road a thing of the past.

Beside this innovation, there was still another problems encounter like the insufficient funding, since the budget of 2014 was to release 11 million FCFA for the project to complete the 2 billion remaining.

For the propose solution there was a need for the diversification of fund and to accelerate the process of signing the decree for compensation with MINDCAF.

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