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Bamenda-Batibo-Numba: finally 64.95km road reception completed

Posté le : juin 19, 2018, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

From the 13-14 June, 2018, final reception clipped on the Bamenda-Batibo-Numba 64.95km along the National Road No.6, in the Momo and Mezam division, of the Northwest Region. From past recalling this road is no longer a dream but a reality since activities taken shape impacting on the economy of that locality and the Northwest in particular. The main aim of this project was to facilitate transportation and transit. Thursday the 14, June 2018

This journey in yesteryears referred to as nightmarish has changed to a beautiful reality, the tarred road and other additional structures pave an important part linking the Northwest and through Mamfe-Ekok in the Southwest regions towards Nigeria, hence trans-Africa Lagos-Mombassa. The 64.258km Bamenda-Batibo-Numba is along the National road No.6 on the Bamenda-Mamfe-Ekok-Enugu corridor. It was awarded to China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) and to CIMA International as Control Mission, this project falls within the framework code Bamenda-Enugu Multinational Highway and Transport Facilitation Programme to tarred road from Cameroon to Nigeria and boost relationship and socio-economic ties between the two countries. The total length of road that was about 200km was divided into three lots, the first is our mean concern which is from Bamenda-Batibo-Numba, while the second phase from Numba-Bachou-Akagbe and the third links Mamfe-Ekok border.

Looking at the scope of works on the principal road of 67.258km, from pk0+000 (hospital roundabout) in Bamenda to pk 64+430 to Numba, the works was divided into two section, the first section construction runs from Bamenda-Batibo 43.240km starts pk0+000 to pk43+240, while on the other part construction works carried on from Batibo-Numba 21.18km, from pk43+240 to pk21+188, the work from the field is perfectly executed with lasting materials. Sleeve and fiber optic equipment provided on a 42,0km from pk1+220 to pk43+255 Bamenda-Batibo and 21.2km from pk0+000 to pk21+168 Batibo-Numba.

Actually regarding the important aspects of this road some additional structures were including to blend the functioning of the road, the construction of a weighing station at Mbunjei, at pk35+300, 02 markets at Nnen, at pk2+360 and 03 additional markets constructed at Widikum, pk13+300, transformation of 03 agricultural production center, 01 at Nyenjei, pk33+500 and 2 at Widikum pk13+300 to pk12+900. Provision of 10 drying area of agricultural products, 02 at Nyenel from pk33+500, 02 at Kurubel pk4+650, 06 at Widikum pk12+650 right up to pk12+900 to pk15+600. A youth center constructed at Widikum on pk12+900, including government school at pk13+250 and a touristic site built and well-shaped. The design of pedestrian path was fabulous, creation of primer near the weighing station, construct water catchment to ignite tourists.

Remark from the field proven that the work was perfectly done; the performance is

strongly influenced by the composition of the mixture and the in-place density. The works mixture was properly compacted, complexity of high cost products and equipment and field calibration for the models, the analysis from the mixture for all the portions was properly implemented revoked the pre-reception that was completed definitely leading to the final reception that was properly done and road received in progress.

To facilitate transportation Works on the 67.258km road from Bamenda-Batibo-Numba was perfectly done and all the clauses were respected. From past record, the road was in a dilapidated state where traveling was a difficult task for people in that locality, from the work done so far, the bad experience is something of the past now despite the rocking situation in the region, from the pre-reception then called for the finally reception recently done all document signed including the various parties involved and the road delivered to the project owner.

Never in the history of the people of Batibo and Widikum Northwest region, has there been serious construction works, with high-level state-of-the-art equipment, like what actually seen on this stretch of road. Finishing touches intensify on the ground, the impact already on the ground relates on the economy upon completion that is already being felt by people in that locality. According to a public transport vehicle driver “It is now possible for me to make at least five trips in a day unlike in the past when we spent a day on the road.

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