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The Ministry of Public Works crown honour to promoted officials

Posté le : août 23, 2017, Par : Hannah - Dans : Actualités

Eight (8) newly appointed officials installed yesterday August, 22 2017 at the main hall of the Emergence Building in Yaounde.

The installation ceremony of the promoted officials organized by the Ministry of Public Works is in accordance of a decree No 2017/411of July 31, 2017 by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya, appointed two new Inspectors General in to the Ministry of Public Works, namely; Dr. Tang Ahanda Barnabé, senior lecturer, and formerly Director of Cooperation and Partnership, presently allotted to a post of General Inspector of Service and Mr. Awoh Denis Ndang, senior civil engineer, formerly Regional Delegate of Public Works of the North-west Region and a native from Boyo division also the Mayor of Fundong, presently Inspector General in charge of Technical Issues. Another decree No 2017/8343/PM of 08 August 2017, issued by the Prime Minister Head of government, Philemon Yang, appointed the new Technical Adviser No 1, Mr. Tane Pierre, Professor from the Ministry of Higher Education and Mr. Ebako Moudime Eitel, formerly Inspector of Service No1, presently Unit Head of the Legal Affairs Division. Another decree No 56/MINTP of 22 June 2017 by the Minister of Public Works, appointed four (4) officials.

Speaking during the commissioning event, Minister Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi called on the appointees to use their rich professional skills to enhance the performance of the ministry, they should also act in the framework of fighting against bottlenecks because from the look of things the ministry of today is at the center of common progress, the renewal of human energies is aimed at attaining concrete results. He equally urged the appointees to accompany the ministry in the realization of its major projects across the country, they should be creative no matter the difficulties they will encounter, and they should remain committed by actions.

The Minister of Public Works was accompanied by his counterpart the Minister of Small and Medium Size Enterprise Social Economy and Handicraft, Pr. Laurent Serges Etoundi Ngoa and the Secretary of State in charge of roads, Louis Max Ayina Ohandja.

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