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Journal des projets

National Road No16 Kumba-Ekondo-Titi Road: A MINTP team assesses work in the field.

Posté le : août 26, 2024, Par : BEYOKOL - Dans : Actualités

On Saturday 24 August 2024, a team from the Ministry of Public Works visited the construction site of the Kumba-Ekondo Titi road to assess the progress of the work being carried out by BIR in the South-West region.
The second phase of the project which consist on the tarring of the first 20km of the Kumba-Ekondo-Titi road is espected to be completed by the end of 2024, by the Cameroon army the 6th Rapid Intervention Bataillon better known by its French acronym (BIR) in Kumba, is 35℅ gone. To this effect, to better understand how work is done on the field, the Minister of Public Works, assigned officials from the Ministry of Public Works, on Friday 23th of August 2024, headed by the Inspector General in charge of Technical Issues, Adamou Moussa, and the Director General of Infrastructure Works, Mbella Eboumbou Jean-Michel, and some of the stakeholders involved in the execution of works on the Kumba-Ekondo-Titi road of 60km. The aim of the visit was to assess the level of work done on the field and the quality of work done so far, to evaluate the deployment of human and material resources on the ground; in addition, the team looked into the various difficulties hindering the implementation of the smooth complication of work. Looking at what has been done, officials from the Ministry of Public Works have expressed satisfaction with the ongoing construction works of the Kumba-Ekondo Titi road. Surface dressing of gravel from PK0+00 Small Ekombe 7.5km has been done, based coat is done on 7400ML, earthwork on 13000ML, embankment and compacting excavation and cleaning of gutters installation of U 2200ML has been completed. The concrete casting for installation of gutters V 4600ML, the laying of 54ML Slabs, proliferation and transport of laterite and the adjustment of base layer from PKO-PK1+450, all has been done, this achievement is within eight weeks. It was notices that the binding course, the culvert boxes, masonry stone walls , partial Camwater pipes has been done on PK O + OO, to PK O + 930, from PK 2+400 to PK 3+400 two old bridges has been replaced and V-shaped gutters of 120x60 constructed. The reconstruction of wing walls and redirection of water into the culvert, crossing drains and road side drains has been done from PK 6+650 to PK 8+200.The BIR team extend his gratitude to the Minister for his constant concern towards the réalisation of the Kumba-Ekondo-Titi  stretch of road. According to the infrastructure Manager, some difficulties were encountered as the major factor behind the delay of execution of the project. Such as heavy rains (two to three days out of seven) affecting the execution and causing traffic disruptions in places and requiring constant mobilization of staff civilians, and military. From what has been done so far, it is an indication of a dream comes true, the gloomy and attractive view of the road Kumba-Ekondo Titi-Mundemba Akwa-Nigeria border of 60km, shows how serviceable this road will restore hope to the populations of this part of the country, who only aspire to live in peace. The project is crucial for the socio-economic development of the region. By improving roads, the project facilitates traffic, reduces transport costs, and opens up new economic opportunities. In addition, it improves access to essential services.

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