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MINTP Ends Activities to Mark National Bilingualism week

Posté le : Feb 6, 2023, Par : BEYOKOL - Dans : Actualités

This morning, the Ministry of Public Works ended its activities to commemorate national bilingualism week.
The ceremony was chaired by the Minister's representative, the Secretary of State in charge of roads, Armand NDJODOM, accompanied by the Secretary-General, in the presence of close collaborators of MINTP. The meeting held at the meeting room of the General Inspectorate at the Central Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Public Works.Speaking during the opening ceremony, the Head of the Division of Translation and Bilingualism, Charity Besingi Masumbe, said the National Bilingualism Week prompted MINTP to promote the practice of both languages.She recalled the importance of the two official languages, English and French in the State of Cameroon most especially to the workers of the Ministry of Public Works since they interact in all the ten regions.She said  the alternate use of these two languages is what is referred to here by the expression of French-English official languages.The ceremony further continued with a bilingual sketch followed by debates, focused on the theme "Bilingualism: an open window on cultures and technologies, an instrument for the development of 'human capital for the emergence of Cameroon to all MINTP staff.
In the opening remark, the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Public Works encouraged workers to practice both official languages as an instruction from the Minister of Public Works.

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